Sunday, November 22, 2015

# 4 Concerns about the proposed elementary school

Concerns about the proposed elementary school *
 The reconfiguration of the traffic pattern one-way south on Wellington Road and north on South Road will funnel significantly more traffic into an already hazardous intersection and cause traffic flow problems throughout Templeton Common.

* from 11/9/15 town meeting handout .


  1. In my opinion money spent on the education of our youth is money well spent. Money spent on "schooling" is not money spent on education and is a detriment to our society. Schooling Think about your learning history, were you educated or schooled?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The fact that the kids dropped off on South rd and Wellington will both be with the passenger side to traffic and is just a matter of time before we ask ourselves why did we put the school there.This is where the danger of the traffic would be a issue for the families who have to deal with a tragic and preventable situation. More kids are brought by parents year in and year out. The amounts of tax increase they told us are at best 1/2 the true amount that it will be.
    A 3.5 % interest rate in 2019 will be a A bond rate and with the current issues we have with our financials thats a strech.
    A bond rate of Baa or is more like the rate we will get if we do gat one and the rate projected in 2019 is 4.5% just a little higher then they tell us. The fact it is close to the end of the year and the books are far from ready to audit tells me were the town who has missed yet another deadline. To tell us at town meeting our tax rates will go up only 1.74 was what they wanted us to hear to pass the vote. The truth is more like the lack of fiscal responsibility, lack of MAA standards and non certified help doing our work will keep us from getting the things done we need to get any bond rate for our town.
