Sunday, November 8, 2015

H3690 - An Act relative to the conveyance of an easement in the town of Sandisfield, Massachusetts, by Rep. Garrett Bradley (D-Hingham) Update


Funny thing happens when you contact your State Representative - you may receive a response!

 I am writing to seek your commitment to safeguard our Commonwealth’s public lands and ask you to testify against H.3690 An Act relative to the conveyance of an easement in the town of Sandisfield, Massachusetts, by Rep. Garrett Bradley (D-Hingham) Tuesday Nov. 10 at 11am Boston State House in the Gardner Auditorium.

 Kinder Morgan, the Texas-based gas pipeline company who has proposed both the Northeast Energy Direct and Connecticut Expansion gas pipeline in Massachusetts, wants to dispose of protected status on public lands to construct their pipelines, access roads, work areas, and on-the-ground infrastructure.

They hope to clearcut, blast and trench their way to construct a pipeline that would damage over 100 conservation parcels for their private profit. Eighty five of those parcels, including State Forests and Parks, are protected by Article 97 of the Massachusetts Constitution.

As you know, these lands, meant to be protected into perpetuity, are home to precious wetlands, endangered species and wildlife. They are a place to provide recreation and respite from the stresses of our busy lives for so many and bring in well-needed revenues from visitors across our beautiful State. These properties receive Article 97 designation because of the strict criteria they meet. These properties are so important to the well being of our communities that the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs has enacted a policy which includes the agency’s responsibility “to protect, preserve, and enhance all open space areas covered by Article 97”, which include steps that must be taken when these properties are disposed of their permanent protection.

Massachusetts has been recognized in its efforts to protect open spaces that not only protect wetlands and habitats but we also set high standards to insure the protection of our aquifers and drinking water. Most of our conserved lands took years and countless hours to protect. We know the value of protected open spaces and have worked hard to insure high-quality open spaces for our residents and visitors to the Commonwealth. Article 97 guarantees citizens not only “clean air and water” but also “the protection of the people in their right to the conservation, … declared to be a public purpose.”

Article 97 states that “Lands and easements taken or acquired for such purposes shall not be used for other purposes or otherwise disposed of except by laws enacted by a two thirds vote, taken by yeas and nays, of each branch of the general court” and as such disposition of the public lands along Kinder Morgan’s pipeline routes will come before you for a vote.

We in the Commonwealth are better stewards of our conserved land than to give up our permanently protected spaces to corporate profit.
Please - make a commitment to vote No for disposition of public lands for pipelines and testify against this bill on November 10th.
Response -
I plan to offer testimony, along with my Western Mass colleagues. I also intend to vote against this and any other Article 97 bills.

Susannah Whipps Lee
Representative - 2nd Franklin
Thank You!


  1. Does anyone have any idea where Representative Gobi stands on this issue? I know when Erving Paper Mills had contractual obligations to the Town of Templeton involving the wastewater treatment plant Representative Gobi was no where to be found,siding with the corporate crowd at the expense of the Templeton Taxpayer. A call to her office showed a staff member from Western Pennsylvania seemed to be in favor of using public land for the pipeline. When I mentioned the documentary Gasland he suggested that Saudi Arabia was involved with the funding. Gasland is not complimentary to the fracking business and mentions the Haliburton Loophole a major screwjob to the environment and the landowners who are left holding the bag of environmental disasters. It is hoped that Representative Gobi will take the time to watch Gasland as this is the pipeline that will move this product to points unknown. You can watch Gasland right here. Gasland I tried to find the Saudi connection as mentioned at Representative Gobi's office but was unable to locate this connection.

  2. Susannah Whipps Lee ? Who is she ? Oh yes, she did win the election. Has anyone seen her near the Town of Temoleton, except when she wants a photo opt ? I know I haven't. Sorry people, you voted out a person who worked for you daily, for one who seems to have lost her way. Watch what and who you vote for. My opinion, Bev.
