Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Request for Financial Information Regarding Templeton Elementary School Building

 Request for Financial Information  Regarding Templeton Elementary School Building

October 27, 2015
Town Accountant
Town of Templeton
160 Patriots Road
Templeton, MA 01438
Re: Massachusetts Public Records Request
Dear Mrs Pontbriand:
This is a request under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (M. G. L. Chapter 66, Section 10).
I am requesting that I be provided a copy of the following documentation:
I would like a detailed accounting of the $1,050,000 that was appropriated by town meeting for the feasibility and schematic design for the proposed Templeton Elementary School to include an accounting of the reimbursements from MSBA. Please include an accounting of where the MSBA reimbursements were deposited.
 I recognize that you may charge reasonable costs for photocopies, computer disks, or personnel time to comply with this request. If you expect charges to exceed $20, please contact me regarding this request.
As you are aware, I must be provided with this information within 10 days. If you cannot comply with my request, please provide an explanation in writing.
Thank you for your help.
Julie Farrell
24 Myrtle St
Baldwinville, MA 01436
October 27, 2015
978-939-2501 home
978-340-2503 mobile
cc: Town Administrator, Bob Markel

  Below is a part of the response. There are a lot of documents to review.  As of November 2, 2015:

The file I received was 4 MB. More documents will be posted later.

There are outstanding invoices for services to date that have not been included in the figures above. 

The Advisory Board should have this information. 
$815,434.55 spent as of November 2, 2015. $1,050,000 approved by the voters.


  1. By the looks of this, the Town has spent 14,883.59 in interest alone from FY 2010 to FY 2014. I find it interesting that the School people never came out and asked the people in this town if they would back building a new school. A yes or no answer would have been fine. I am sure as the day is long, that they were afraid of the answer, so they just avoided asking the question.. How can they justify spending this amount of money, with out the town's approval ?? Tonight is the pre town meeting at 6:00. Things should be interesting.

  2. The need for up dating the schools, is with out a doubt a need. The idea that the School Department did nothing to provide the kids with the tools they needed to learn, tells me there is something very wrong with how the schools are run. Why did the parents allow this to happen ?? The school plan is just fine, the place they want to put it on is just wrong. Nothing is going to change that.
