Saturday, November 7, 2015

Vote No Signs are popping up!


  1. Eminent Domain

    The power to take private property for public use by a state, municipality, or private person or corporation authorized to exercise functions of public character, following the payment of just compensation to the owner of that property.

    you take the junk yard on baldwinville rd !! that wanted to make big bucks selling it to the town just take it and give them fair value done!!

  2. OR move the Highway and Police departments to the Templeton center school site, and build the school where the highway dept. is now

  3. Templeton does have options other than eminent domain. Here are some alternative locations for an elementary school building:

    Look at the non-contaminated parcels in limbo that were held by American Tissue Mills of Massachusetts. 22 parcels including the parcel on Reservoir street. Not all of these parcels are suitable, but some of the parcels have potential. Maybe it's time for our "leaders" to look into taking these uncontaminated parcels even if they aren't used for an elementary school.

    Move the Highway Barn down to the Sewer Department property on Reservoir St. Clean up the Highway property and build a new elementary school on Baldwinville Rd. There is enough land there to build an appropriately sized building- without a million dollar driveway to the back of the property. Relocate the highway barn!

    Review the property in Otter River 9 Main Street. It is not town owned land; it is part of the Stone Trust. When the Senior Center was looking for a parcel to build on, the trustees were amenable to allowing the land to be used for a senior center as long as the town looked at building an elementary school.

    Hello? Anyone? Might be worth pursuing?

    There is also land on Crotty Ave that is part of a trust and might have potential for a school building. Probably more appropriate for new well, but it should be looked at as a potential site.

    The sites listed above are possibilities. Look back at the boondoggle project of making 252 Baldwinville Rd into a Town Hall. That committee spent a lot of time and money looking for a place to build a town hall. Town Meeting voted to procure 252 Baldwinville Rd in May. That June (2011?) the NRSD voted to turn back East Templeton Elementary School to the town, because they "didn't need it anymore." When the cost to renovate and fix the roof at 252 Baldwinville Rd exceeded the estimates by about 2 million dollars, that was when looking at East Templeton Elementary School became a viable option for town hall.

    History in Templeton continues to repeat itself.

    Good night!

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  4. Huff nPuff wern't Blogin here no more?
    Just reading for you !

  5. Oh Puffy,
    You know the rules.

    And for the record, not only was I a selectman I was also a member of the Elementary school building committee. And oh yeah, these site suggestions were made. Fell on deaf ears. Ooops!

    Remember there is no Plan B because they don't want a plan B, never wanted a Plan B. It was their way or the highway.

    Remember the whole BS about the composition of the building committee? Maybe you want to do a little historical research.

    This whole process was fubar from its inception. This is a TOWN project not a regional school project. The Town needs to control the process not the school department.

    It is what it is and you get what you got.

    I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you.

    Have a great day!

  6. In my opinion as we ponder the pros and cons of finding the perfect parcel of land on which to school our young minds we should not forget the history of compulsory education and the forces behind this philosophy. Even if the State came into Templeton and offered us a free ticket to a new elementary school what these schools have to offer should be looked at with a fine toothed comb. Schoolsucks

    1. Watch out for the fear factor !! Yesterday I was told our children would be bussed out of town. I was told the plumbing in Baldwinville was so bad it had to be replaced !! Yah ok, why hasn't it been replaced already??? The biggest thing to be afraid of is, the money the State will give us will be reduced, and we will pay more our selves !! I kind of heard the MSBA did not like a three story building, as it is. Do you think the MSBA will be surprised if we vote no ? I don't.

    2. Well it took the "no" people long enough to stand up for them selves. Did they think someone else was going to do it for them?
