Thursday, November 5, 2015

Warrant Articles for November 9, 2015 - Article 3 FY 2015 Unpaid Bills

Article 3 FY 2015 Unpaid Bills


  1. On Wednesday night Nov. 4, we had a pre town meeting. Will spoke about some of the concerns he had with the new school and the place they want to put it. Ms Haley Brooks got up and ripped him a big one.( I do assume you get the meaning.) She let him have it by saying that they have no other choice and no plan B. Now that is not his fault or is it the fault of everyone else that knows that this is the absolutely the worse place they could pick for this school. Will was not wrong about anything he said and her very loud mouth must have been heard all the way to Cumbys. I think I was the only one that voted no and I will save my comments for Town Meeting. I understand why people are afraid to vote at Town Meeting. They are afraid of coming the focal point of someone else that has no understanding that they just may have good reasons for voting the way they did. The reasons may be economic, they live on a fixed income, they are afraid of the backlash for voting the way they did or they just can not see this three story monster in Templeton Common. All of these are good reasons for voting by paper votes, and as long as people are required to raise their hands, I am sure turnout at the Town Meeting will be low. As a matter of fact, I am sure of this. Bev

    1. We all agree that the need for the New School is great, but to Shoehorn it in to a postage stamp lot in a high traffic area, not including the added traffic is absurd at best, not to mention the danger to the students.
      The capacity will be approxatmly 580 Students, How long before it is outgrown? Before the Debt is paid?
      The Gardner News article dated 11/5/2015, the reporter must have used Common Core Math when she stated at the end of the article, the state will reimburse 62% of the $47 million and the Town will be responsible for the remaining $25 Million, My math come out a little different, 47-25= 22 or 46.8%, honest mistake of fluff to mislead? This is the right Idea but the wrong place to put it.
