Thursday, January 7, 2016

50 Shades of Casella

50 Shades of Casella

Please read below, this could have happened in Templeton. It still could happen in Templeton. Thank you TCAD for keeping this mess out of our town.

Southbridge Landfill Petition-
Dear Secretary Beaton and Commissioner Suuberg,

Casella Waste has proposed an expansion the Southbridge Landfill that would allow them to operate for another 10 years and accept more than 4 million additional tons of waste, despite the fact that 1,4 dioxane and trichloroethylene have been detected in home wells in the neighborhood adjacent to the landfill.

1. Please require that Casella Waste investigate and clean up any contamination found in wells in proximity to the landfill; and

2. Please reject any plan Casella Waste proposes to expand the landfill’s footprint, build new cells on top of existing cells, or otherwise extend or expand the landfill’s capacity.

Thank you for you attention on this important matter.


 Please click this link to add your name to this petition:

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