Monday, January 4, 2016

Deadly 'Hollywood' heroin could be in area, Worcester district attorney warns

  • Deadly 'Hollywood' heroin could be in area, Worcester district attorney warns

  • By Kim Ring
    Telegram & Gazette Staff

    Posted Jan. 3, 2016 at 8:42 PM
    Updated at 8:18 AM

    WORCESTER - The Worcester district attorney said this weekend he is concerned that a deadly batch of heroin that killed three people in Western Massachusetts could be headed into Central Massachusetts.
    Joseph D. Early Jr. said in a news release that the recent overdoses, eight in total with three deaths, prompted him to issue a warning to those who use the drug.
    “If we’re seeing such a deadly batch of heroin so close, I’m concerned that we will see these drugs in our county,” Mr. Early said. “All heroin is deadly, but this is extremely dangerous.”
    State police said the heroin is labeled "Hollywood" and it is being blamed for deaths and overdoses in Chicopee and Holyoke, though Springfield police said Sunday they believe they have discovered the source of the heroin. Officers in Springfield confiscated $20,000 and 9,000 bags of the Hollywood heroin Saturday night when they intercepted the drugs as part of their investigation.
    Four people were arrested when police "tailed another delivery where they confiscated 8,000 bags hidden in a fake bumper."
    Police in those cities, along with Hampden County District Attorney Anthony D. Gulluni, alerted the public over the weekend after they responded to overdoses and found bags of heroin with the Hollywood label.
    Mr. Early reminded area residents of the Good Samaritan Law, which allows anyone who witnesses an overdose to alert police without fear of prosecution for drug possession.
    The state police Division of Investigative Services is compiling data related to these overdoses for dissemination to other law enforcement agencies.
    State police said that while all heroin is poison, for reasons still to be determined the heroin being sold under the Hollywood stamp has proven exceptionally deadly in recent days.
    Police said the Massachusetts Substance Abuse Information and Education Helpline offers free and confidential information and referral for alcohol and drug abuse problems or related concerns. The Helpline is staffed seven days a week and assistance is available in multiple languages. The toll-free Helpline number is (800) 327-5050 or TTY: (888) 448-8321.


  1. This is serious, so what does that mean ? It means if you have children or grand children, you should talk with them about this super bad drug that may be coming into the area. That does not mean you confront them, but make them aware of it. They may roll their eyes, but that is ok, they may know already. Just cover your basis, it may save a life, even if it is not your kids, but someone elses.

  2. There was a show on this week. It was a documentary filmed on Cape Cod, about the mothers and their kids who are in serious trouble, and how they are trying to deal with the drug issues on the Cape. Sorry no magical cures, but support for each other. I do think this film could have been made anywhere, that is the sad part.

  3. when the politicians grow a pair, stop call it a "victim-less crime to sell, and start putting the pushers away for a long time, we can start to make headway. until then, watch kids die!!

  4. Some now call addiction a disease and mental issue. When alcohol puts people in mental breakdowns we call them alcoholics and say it's a disease. Until your loved ones have been or your family is effected by it understanding is hard to develop. Problem is it's a hard thing to understand when you don't even know about the problem to begin with. Treatment helps so many and with one slip their gone!
    If you have a loved one in need reach out to help or you will wind up the victim who should have helped.
    Narcan is a counter drug that can save a life of a heroin overdose victim.
    All life is worth the help. If you know your loved ones are in trouble get the narcan and be able to help them. It's easier than the alternative.

  5. Cancer is a disease, Drug addiction is brought on by oneself, It is tough to kick the habit but too many are playing into the "disease" bit and not doing enough to take the first step into helping themselves.

  6. To Brad and Do,

    It's obvious you haven't a clue about addiction or dependence. "DO" Your rational that drug addiction is not a disease because it is brought on by oneself is, well, wrong.Using your rational cancer isn't a disease if caused by smoking, eating red meat or whatever other cause. "DO" calling it a disease doesn't mean you cannot do anything about it, but sticking your head in the sand and denying its a disease keeps people suffering.

    Herion is cheaper and works better than most pain medications. The DEA has DR's so scared they are cutting off legitimate patients based on pill counts, missed urine samples or even the lack of a ride to the DR's can get your pain meds cancelled..............then what???? Ever been in real pain, not ew ah pain, but screaming in agony type pain, well if you have you'd know that anything that relieves that pain becomes an option.

    An absolutely pathetic medical community has led us down this "a pil for everything" mentality. When has you DR ever asked you what you eat??????

    Brad, How well did Prohibition work for alcohol? Why would it ever work for a product people want.

  7. I am a recovering addict who was fortunate to see my problem and after a stint in rehab changed my life around.
    The problem now is the addicts are waiting for someone else instead of facing the fact they have a problem and seeking help.

    Doctors don't make people eat more drugs then they need, but the bigger problem is street drugs where the addicts feel entitled now because it's not "their fault" they have a disease and can't help stealing to support their choice to do drugs

  8. bob m there is no mention of prohibition in my reply. deal with the vermin that push the product as what they are, and lock them up!!!

    1. Brad is right. Lock them up, but it'd too bad you can not throw away the key.

  9. Brad and Bev............. How has the "war on drugs" worked for the past 30 years????? Again you do not understand the situation at all.

    DO, You say you are in recovery. You never did anything while using that you wouldn't do while sober......... I'm sure as soon as you found out you had a problem you quit, right. You didn't justify your behavior, you didn't rationalize it away. Bull!!!!!

    Look at what is being done by the state. None of it is designed to make the situation better. It only requires a database for pharmacies and 90% of prescription issues disappear.

    People today are switching to herion because of the policies created by the state. Rather than making the fillers of the prescriptions responsible they are placing it on the user.

    This is just like with cocaine. The USA trafficked, sold, supported the manufacturers but spent billions incarcerating users........

  10. Thanks Bob ! You bring vision to those who can't see.
    Will they open their eyes is what remains to be seen.

  11. I did things I am forever regretful for, But I did something about it and I didn't look for handouts and blame others when I hit bottom.

    so people switch to heroin because they can not get what they think they are entitled to by the state, I call BULL on that

  12. Do,

    Where do you get this stuff. "entitled to by the state".......huh, you swhow yourt colors when you say that. I've known business owners, lawyers, Judges and priests who are addicts none of them felt entitled to anything by the state.

    It appears you think drug addicts are "low class" and you are better. You can fool yourself that you didn't seek handouts or blame others. I'd like to ask your parents, wife if you blamed others or used them............addicts are addicts the method in which the disease expresses itself differs.


    We have to stop swallowing the same BS excuses given to us for years.

    Just look at marijuana. The US Government has been supplying patients with marijuana for years for medical conditions. Since 1976 when Robert Randell beat the US government in court and proved that marijuana help his glaucoma. The US government has been supplying a small group of people with marijuana.
    How then have they been able to maintain a classification of schedule 1? Shouldn't one prevent the other...........
    It was made illegal because of money........Hearst, Ford, Dow, etc.......

    Does anyone really believe that all these pill addicts are stealing them from grandma, really...........Pharmacies, really......... The US manufactures 75% of the worlds Oxycodone by importing thebaine from Australia, France or Spain. Follow the chemicals...............
