Sunday, January 24, 2016

K-1st Grade Kids Going To Middle School

K-1st Grade Kids Going To Middle School
Students to be out of place for two years
Tara Vocino

TEMPLETON  School Committee members voted Wed­nesday to house Templeton 
Center Elementary School students at the middle school during construction.

According to Chairwoman Rae-Ann Trifilo, kindergarten and first-graders will 

be at the middle school. Students will be there for two years.

However, there was no further discussion since a meeting was held during 

the last snowstorm about it.

Part of the reasoning for the decision was that it’s expected there will be good 

mentoring by some of the older students with the elementary school pupils.
 Third- and fourth-graders will stay at Baldwinville Elementary.

After meeting in executive session, they announced that they’re going to offer a 

written contract to Gardner Public Schools Business Administrator 
Christopher Casavant to replace interim Superintendent Dr. Steve Hemman, 
based on their decision to hire him over other applicants after recent interviews.

Trifilo said Casavant is expected to sign the contract, most likely early Monday.

School Committee meetings may also start a few minutes later, as executive 

session meetings will now take place at 6 p.m. before the meeting starts
 at 6:30 p.m.

However, according to Vice Chairwoman Margaret Hughes, if they see the 

meeting going beyond a half hour, they will exit executive session, 
go into public session, and then reconvene in executive session out of 
respect to the public.

“Let’s try it, and see how it works,” Hughes said.

According to member Dan Sanden, they will work with the Parent-Teacher 

Organization about how people can remember their experience at Templeton 
Center School.

Selectman Diane Haley Brooks suggested that people could buy bricks as a 


They voted that the middle school students can go on annual trips later

this school year, continent upon proper documentation being filed.

According to Hemman, the seventh-graders will go to Ferry Beach in Saco, 

Maine, and eighth-graders will go to Washington, D.C.

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