Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Accountant Celebrates 50 Years In Business

Accountant Celebrates 50 Years In Business
Priscilla Valliere of LeBlanc Tax Service marks milestone with fond memories
News staff photo by Tara Vocino Priscilla Valliere, LeBlanc Tax Service owner, looks through a W2 form on Monday.
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News staff photo by Tara Vocino Priscilla Valliere, LeBlanc Tax Service owner, looks through a W2 form on Monday.
News staff photo by Tara Vocino Priscilla Valliere is celebrating her 50th anniversary at LeBlanc Tax Service, which is adjacent to her house.
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News staff photo by Tara Vocino Priscilla Valliere is celebrating her 50th anniversary at LeBlanc Tax Service, which is adjacent to her house.
Tara Vocino

TEMPLETON  While dating your supervisor is usually frowned upon, for LeBlanc Tax Service owner Priscilla Valliere, it led to a lifelong career, where she just celebrated her 50th anniversary working at the company.

She credits her success to her late business and romantic partner Norman LeBlanc, who died in 1971 from polio.

The business specializes in individual and business tax returns, accounting and payroll. Valliere began as a typist, became LeBlanc’s secretary, and she took over the business as an accountant when he died.

Since she has held the job since graduating from Gardner High School in 1963, she didn’t go to college for accounting. However, Valliere did learn on-the-job from Norman.

Valliere said the relationship started off as professional then turned romantic. She said it was difficult to keep her personal and professional life separate.

“It wasn’t secretive, but we didn’t tell people we were together either,” Valliere said. “But I think people assumed.”

As far as making it past the 50-year streak, she said she is surprised. “In the beginning, I didn’t think I would,” Valliere said. “But as I got more into it, I built up more confidence in myself. I became well-accepted, and I surprised myself. I’m very fortunate that I made it this far.”

Now adjacent to her home in East Templeton, the business saw two homes before its current location at 48 Lake Ave. It was previously located on Monadnock Street and City Hall Avenue in Gardner.

Valliere said it was somewhat difficult without Norman to carry on the business since she relied on him as her mentor. Calling Norman a true businessman, she said some of his qualities were patience, kindness and thoughtfulness. Today, she has more than 450 clients.

“Norman was able to mentor me into the business,” Valliere said. “After he passed, I tried to keep up with changes throughout the years, that I had to develop.”

According to Odette Racette, receptionist since 1985, one of the significant changes was switching over from using typewriters to computers.

Racette said tax preparation was previously difficult on carbon paper if an error was made, requiring multiple trips to the post office.

“Computers makes tax preparation so much easier,” Racette said.

Racette said she’s not surprised that the company has made it this far.

“Priscilla is honest, thorough, and I like the friendly way she interacts with clients,” Racette said. “It’s all about word of mouth – we have had elderly come in, then their children, and even their grandchildren.

Racette said one thing that has helped Valliere to succeed all these years is her ability to remember clients, even after they’ve been missing in action for a while.

“Clients wouldn’t have to file their tax return for a few years, and I think it’d be a new person, but she’d remember that they came back in 1965,”

Racette said. Also, adding to her longevity is her ability to manage, she said.

“She’s very good at what she does, and she’s nice to work for,” Racette said.

Her other receptionist is Valliere’s sister, Gloria Bourgeois.

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