Sunday, February 21, 2016

Rumor has it....

Rumor has it...

So how does a community pay for a new school and a new police station, when that community doesn't have a bond rating? How could  community like Templeton obtain enough money to fund $50 million dollar in capital projects for a school and a police station?

Could it be that that community's leaders are negotiating with a landfill company, like Casella, to open a landfill in that community?




  1. After Casella screws over the people in Charlton whose wells have been contaminated from the Southbridge landfill, it will need a new a new mark.

    Southbridge and Templeton share a few similarities. Both towns need money!

    1. Back in the 70's, yes back again, Lilly Chemical on Athol Road was draining chemicals from spills inside the plant, thru floor drains, into the area just beyond where we parked our cars. There was a small brook that ran from the area toward the pond. To make a long story short, a hydrologist from the EPA in Boston took a ride with me. She was very upset when she saw where the Town put the dump, considering it is the discharge area for our Town wells. I do not think Casella would dare come into this Town, or that any State official would try to push our Town as a dumping ground for half the State. Julie is not wrong in keeping her eyes open, after what she and others went through keeping Casella out once before.
