Sunday, February 28, 2016

Shedding Some Light...Another water main Break?

Shedding Some Light...Another water main Break?

Looks like yet another water main break on Patriots Road by Glenwood Kitchen...

So what's this about deferring the water improvements until a later date so that people will vote for the water tank replacement on March 21st?

Why not have a water system like Athol's - without water tanks?

Could it be because our water system is a piecemeal infrastructure? Where lines vary in diameter from 8 inch to 12 inch back to 8 inch on the same stretch of roadway?

Got Water hammer? 

Anyone remember the day in July, a few years ago, 14 water main breaks in 1 day?

Go back to sleep... that's it...Nighty nite!


  1. Probally should look at the fake water tank at market basket in athol

  2. My question would be does the town own the water tank at Market Basket or was that water tank required for the new store for fire regulations? Towns are always trying to save money in one way or another mostly so they can blow it on something stupid later on. There are towns that get very creative in getting funds from the Federal Government for fifty million dollar schools with the help of friends like DavidWheeler Is it time for Templeton to cash in on this money cow?

  3. I hope that I am not "Jumping to Conclusions."

  4. Randy. You know better. That is a elevated swimming pool

  5. Seeing Market Basket is not in Templeton, wether or not it is fake or a swimming pool does not matter one iota.! The Water Dept. never should have been taken from the sewer dept. in the first place. People will continue to pay a lot for very little as long as things stay the same.
