Friday, February 26, 2016

STM March 21, 2016 Water Tank

STM March 21, 2016    Water Tank

The ladder hill/Johnson ave Steel tank was built in 1957. South road was in 1950.
Last painted in 1996 and 20 years ago. The requirement is every 20 years rust and coatings are needed no matter what.

The report shows the data and it's hard for the water management to say this is a surprise.The surprise i find is the last water increase was enough to pay the extra expansion of the work force and the cost of the tank loan payments.So if they didn't raise the water rates/service charges for the shortfalls in revenue how is it they have all the extra monies to do both things now? Or more to the point do they?
Are they setting us up for a second big rate increase when the books look like they are in poor shape and not enough to pay the bills again and have our vendors wait for 3 months to be paid. Funny how all the money problems just went away and we are all fixed now and can afford the extra costs without any increases.

Don't forget we told you so!

In 5 years or less the south road tank will need the same as the ladder hill tank and then what? How much to increase for that.

What about the Hospital hill road tank last paint original 2001 that needs paint in just 4 years.
Funny how they just only talk about the tank on ladder hill.

That water report does not list the last time the new tank was cleaned and inspected.
So does it need the inside cleaned and inspected also to tell if the condition is poor or it needs to be repainted or replaced.Larger tanks are a higher cost to maintain and paint. The cost to paint the newer tank is shown to be a bit higher at 870,000.00 in 2013 numbers. So are we being led to the bank for a loan every time we turn around.

Does the math for replace or paint add up for all three tank jobs the same?

If we don't ask why should we care. I hope the people in town have the same thoughts that I do and ask questions when we have the STM for this and the money for the school.

Without the questions and a better understanding of the needs of our towns water department and infrastructure we are sure to be taken to the cleaners over and over again. The same thing is going on with our electric rates and when our customers charge went to 3.00 from 4.00 it was only when the hand in the cookie jar was pointed out the management reduce the overcharges. The time has come to ask questions and get some answers before the meeting so people will know the truth about the needs and the overcharges so we can get the better rates we all deserve now.

A customer service charge of 2.00 would be a good start for the electric bills.With oil and solar power costs lower for the TMLWP we should be afforded a better rate without begging for it. How much of a raise did the commissioners vote for themselves?

All the information is on pg.2-13 and General manager John Driscoll didn't think anyone would ever look at the water improvement plan contract with Tighe&Bond. Another OBTUSE comment made by John Driscoll. If i can see this runaway train coming why don't the boys at the meeting table ever get it?

They laughed at me suggesting a new tank over a repainted one and then want to do that.

I would pull a Trump and fire the top two as soon as the contracts for their employment was up for not leveling with the owners of the system that provides their employment. There's over 250,000.00 alone

I'll bet when i finish talking at this meeting they won't be laughing at me anymore.

Enjoy your raises commissioners. Time for some LTE thoughts.

Water Improvement Plan


  1. 44) Fluoride may leach lead from pipes, brass fittings and soldered joints. In tightly controlled laboratory experiments, Maas et al (2007) have shown that fluoridating agents in combination with chlorinating agents such as chloroamine increase the leaching of lead from brass fittings used in plumbing. While proponents may argue about the neurotoxic effects of low levels of fluoride there is no argument that lead at very low levels lowers IQ in children.

    Maybe if we ended the barbaric practice of water fluoridation the water system would last longer!

    So if you wouldn't vote to notify the residents of Templeton that they were being fluoridated because of health reasons for children and adults, maybe you would vote to notify people about water fluoridation decreasing the longevity of water towers and the distribution system?

  2. Paying top dollar for good quality water is one thing, paying top dollar to be poisoned is just plain foolish.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Take a looksee at the water improvement plan. Nothing there about a expansion of the work force. Why wouldn't the lawyer have told them they needed town vote for this.
    With 30-75k spent per year on lawyer fees one would think the money would get them informed better than this.

  5. I haven't voted for any of the of the driscoll butt kissers!!! you can't blame me.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
