Monday, March 28, 2016

Annual Town Meeting Warrant Will Open Tonight

New England Tradition

There is an agenda item to open the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting in May.

Time to get those Citizen Petitions ready!

Currently gathering signatures for the following citizen petitions:

Proposed Citizen Petition:
To see if the Town will vote to amend By Law Article VI – Contracts by Town Officers and add  a new Section 4 to read as follows :  All contracts  with a value of  $100,000  or more shall be reviewed by Town Counsel before said contracts are signed.
If you believe that the $50 million dollar contract for the Elementary School SHOULD have been reviewed by Town Counsel BEFORE it was signed, well then, this is a citizen petition you should support!

Proposed Citizen Petition:
To see if the Town will vote to amend Article II – Town Meetings and add a new section, Section 20, to read as follows:
Any project with an estimated cost of One Million dollars or more shall be discussed and voted upon ONLY at Templeton’s Annual Town Meeting. 

Are you tired of special interest groups, calling for Special town meeting after special town meeting? You may want to consider supporting this Citizen petition.


1 comment:

  1. This is one of the things that should be done automically, but it wasn't,t, so we will have it written, not in stone, but in our bylaws. No one in our Town office bldg. is a lawyer, so what was so wrong by running it past ours? If something is not written right, it could cost us plenty. That is Julie, watching out for the people in Templeton, again.....
