Friday, March 11, 2016

Phillipston Added To Developmental Center Reuse Committee

Phillipston Added To Developmental Center Reuse Committee

BOSTON State Sen. Anne M. Gobi, D-Spencer, announced Tuesday that Gov. Charlie Baker has signed into law the legislation she filed that adds Phillipston to the Templeton Developmental Center Reuse Committee.

“I was glad to partner with the community to get this legislation passed,” said Gobi. “It is imperative moving forward that the communities most affected by the closing of the Templeton Developmental Cen­ter have the most input as to what the future holds for the site of the most beautiful pieces of property in the region.”

The Reuse Committee was established by Chapter 59 of the Acts of 2009 and is tasked with determining and implementing the future use of the Templeton Developmental Center land.

Under the act, members of the committee include three representatives from Templeton (one from the Board of Selectmen, one from the Planning Board and one chosen by selectmen), a representative of the Community Preservation Com­mittee, a representative of the state Division of Capital Asset Man­agement and Maintenance, a representative of the state De­partment of Developmental Ser­vices, and a representative of the legal guardians of the clients housed at the Templeton Developmental Center.

The legislation filed by Gobi adds four representatives from Phillipston (one from the Board of Selectmen, one from the Planning Board, one from the Open Space Committee and one from the Fire Department).

Representatives from Phillipston were added because part of the developmental center land is located in Phillipston, so any determinations on the re-use of the land or facilities would directly affect the town.

In 2009, Gov. Deval Patrick announced the planned closure of the Templeton Developmental Center along with the Monson Developmental Center in Monson and the Glavin Regional Center in Shrewsbury, as the state moved to a more community-based approach to assisting people with developmental disabilities.


  1. So when was the last meeting of the TDC reuse committee? Weren't there supposed to be meetings led by none other than John Columbus the Chairman of the Templeton Board of selectmen?

    What happened to the community block grants to improve East Templeton?

    How about an update on that economic development committee?

    An update on broadband access in Templeton throughout the MBI program?...

    Well, nomination papers need to be turned in on Monday. We'll see what's what at that point.

  2. It is time people do the the job, not just take up space, This job takes up time, and requires commitment ! It is time to rid the BOS of "space savers", and elect people who can do the job".

  3. Good point Bev. At least get someone to come to the meetings and sit there or resign!
    Town government as a whole needs a good look over.
    Many issues worked on for years are no better now!

  4. As for the Reuse Committee, it seems that someone filled the sewer pipes, and the sewer plant with concrete at the TDC, just to make sure no one could use them in the future. I have no idea who did that, so any plan to use the old buildings is done.

  5. As for the Reuse Committee, it seems that someone filled the sewer pipes, and the sewer plant with concrete at the TDC, just to make sure no one could use them in the future. I have no idea who did that, so any plan to use the old buildings is done.
