Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Rumor has it...ZBA Hearing for Elementary School

Rumor has it...ZBA Hearing for Elementary School

Rumor has it that the Building Inspector for the Town of Templeton has denied a building permit for the new Templeton Center Elementary School. 

Reasons cited: The Village District height limitation of 2.5 stories (35 linear feet). The proposed new elementary school will require 3 stories (43 linear feet).

This hearing will most likely happen in April. Public notice will be given.

Members of TEMPLETON's ZBA:

Alan Drouin
Dave Smart
John Fletcher
Ron Davan
Rick Moulton 


  1. Oh boy. Let the games begin we will find out who is for the school and who is for the zoning laws

  2. is ron divan the water dept super?? if yes, how the hell does a resident of ANOTHER town serve on a templeton committee?????

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Brad Ron Davan is an alternate and with a person on the ESBC that is a member of the ZBA he will get to vote,i would assume he will vote. This meeting will be posted for the open public to have input and voice their opinions. As with any ZBA we follow the law and keep within it. Members listen to all input and take all opinions very seriously.
    We are the guards for the people who don't want zoning changes and also the providers for those who need zoning variances. If no people show up to complain about a change we tend to allow the changes. All abutted property owners are contacted directly and have a chance to speak up. Ads in the news paper are for public notification and the meetings are open to the public for any and all input. I regard the abutted land owner opinion the most important part of the hearing. Without the protection of the abutted property the rules and regulation can be thrown in the trash.
    In Templeton the people "can" still speak!

  5. It will be important for the people living on South Road and Wellington Road to attend this meeting. Due to the area already being congested, think about what it would be like adding the parents from Baldwinville, to the parents from Templeton, in line to pick up their children after school. Now think about what would happen if the Fire Depaetment had a call on South Road. It does not matter where it was, it is not a pretty picture. You can add the rescue along side the Fire Department. The seconds that matter, lost because the road is clogged could mean a persons life. Add this to the many other reasons this is a bad idea. Bev.

  6. doesn't Mr Moulton work for the school department ?? and Mr Davan shouldn't be on any committee in town he lives in winchendon

  7. All departments have checked this out and have given their ok for the plan to put the school in Templeton center. Any issues or concerns should be taken up with the department you have concerns about. Past open forum meetings at the highschool and middle school auditorium were the time to speak up and voice the problems people would have with this plan. As i sat a more then one meeting people complained about the high building that was proposed. Those same people need to come complain again and be herd by the ZBA board so the informed decision will be a fair and respectful one for Templeton.

  8. The people who do the appointing are the selectmen when they vote to appoint or reappoint the people they do.
    Mike that is where the questions you ask have also been asked of them about Ron Davan.
    I have heard Mr. Moulton has been given the Building and grounds Director position.
    Bill Claboug no longer is employed by the town.
    It will be important for the people who come to comment on the variance issue to understand that is what this meeting is about. How tall the building will be.

  9. I have many questions for the school plans staff. The professionals are paid big money and to think the laws are just now being looked at shows me the lack of professionalism.
