Wednesday, March 16, 2016


MARCH 21, 2016
7:00 PM

There are five warrant articles for this Special Town Meeting brought to you by the Templeton Municipal Light and Water Department.

 Motions are not available at this time! 

Prior blog on Water Department


  1. Click on the red Water Department tab above to see how the inside of the tank has been in trouble for many years and now we are just getting around to dealing with it.
    This is why your expensive whole house filters plug so often. Mine only last a week and need to be changed.
    What are you/we drinking???

  2. #33 , #34 + #35 show what you are enjoying with your coffee or tea!
    How often do these tanks see any attention get cleaned or inspected?
    Will the truth come out??

  3. Because the School People did not take care of the Schools they had, the people in Templeton now have to build a new school. So because the Water Department did not take care of the water tank, it seems that we need to replace the tank. The picture of sediment in the bottom of the tank (picture 33) shows 6" or a little less. How is replacing a tank change the way this Department tends to business ? How long will it take for the new tank to be in the same condition ?? Maybe it is time to reduce the pay of the Water/Light Commissioners, and put the money where it will be put to good use. Oh Yes, I forgot we don't know how much they make because they do not show us their budget until it comes out in the Town Report a year later !!! What I do know is these guys have to go ! The people in this Town deserve better. It is your money, and they will spend it for you as fast as they can, or as fast as we let them.

  4. The tanks in templeton have a pipe in the bottom that sticks up i think 12 or 18 inches and the iron is suppose to settle on the bootim and they clean it out before it gets high enough to come out thats the way they are designed and alot of other tanks around the state are the same way

  5. November 5-2012 report is as follows.
    A pipe penetrates the floor approximately 24" in from the wall with a 12" inside diameter and has a 14" inside diameter by 6" tall removable riser installed serving as a silt stop.
    This info is from the report and on pg.4 All facts and no fiction!
    So if read correctly i see a 6" riser.
    Pg 3 of the report states.
    SEDIMENT ACCUMULATIONS found during Nov.5 2012 inspection.
    A uniform layer of accumulated precipitate was found on all
    floor surfaces measuring 6" to 9" in depth.
    So how long has the silt been flowing down the 6" tall pipe that only stops 6" of the buildup?
    The piping on the south road tank only has a 5" tall riser for a silt stop.
    The last inspection done April 30 2012 on the south road tank conclusion was the exterior protective coating applied to the exterior wall panels and welds shows decline in film thickness(nearly expired)due to weathering,causing the coating to become chalky. No mention of the depth of sediment found but it was removed after inspection.
    My point in all this information is to show we have a management team leading from behind and they say one thing to keep from showing out of control cost. While they keep Templeton blind about the water budget put off things that wind up costing millions a short time later. Lack of ability to read and understand reports we pay thousands and thousands for get stuck in a corner. Part of what i just rote is just the tip of water department problems. Quick to blame the problems on the Board of Selectman only makes me want to point things out more and get involved as a commissioner. After the chapter 93 acts of 2000. 16 years later the fall guys are still being labeled as the problem as told to Julie Richards by Ron Davan at the meeting when the question about the rte.2a water main breaks was asked.
    Not sure about what Ron was thinking when he said the money for the loans cant be accounted for or was spent on and that is why the debt load is so high.
    So not we as a town are looking to borrow 1.238 million to replace a tank that needed repairs 3 years ago. Voted tonight to allow the General manager to sign for all project documents. I think The people in town have been put on the back burner like the tanks have been as far as our right to vote on the loan.

  6. as I have mentioned in this blog before #1 the current board and driscoll have to go. what the hell are we paying $50. a quarter for if thy can't even drain skum from tanks??#2 the water dept has to once again become a separate dept., not under electric.

  7. Aside from the tank question, articles 3, 4, and 5 are articles we usually deal with at the Annual Town Meeting. More than one of us, at last nights Advisory Board meeting, did not think it was appropriate to deal with these questions at the upcoming Special Town Meeting,

  8. People need to pay attention and attend these Special Town Meetings. Any business that affects the Town, affects you and me, and that means money from your pocket.

  9. Article 4 could mean any department would be able to just add or subtract from the vote we took for their budgets.Could this allow us to use free cash before the years end and not be stuck like we are now waiting for a audit to happen?
    When will the books being worked on now be ready? How much will it cost to ready them?
