Thursday, March 17, 2016

So with no inspection reports and the age being 15 years old what shape is our newest water tank in?

So with no inspection reports and the age being 15 years old what shape is our newest water tank in?

I was told by Ron Davan water superintendent when asking about the 15 year old tank on hospital road that it was just inspected. Found to be in good condition with no problems.
 I have put a freedom of information act request to General Manager Driscoll for a copy and the billing for the inspection done as he spoke of. I will share it when he makes it available or give reasons for not being able to provide these public records. 
With the lack of department needs knowledge and expansion of work force it is clearer than ever the department is being mismanaged and the commission has to answer for the outcome. 
From USDA loan requirement and secret budgets process the town voters and ratepayers are not allowed proper information on the department the voters trusted them to look after for them.
Our commissioners should have all records open and available to us like the chapter 164 laws require them to.
 Report full financials year after year for town reports without duplication like in the past.
Our town report needs to be complete with all department financial reports for us to see.
Why not? What are they thinking we don't have any rights to see what they are spending our money on?
Are you happy with your water rates and service charges?
Do you think the Commissioners look out for your interests?
After they spent 10s of thousands on lawyers in past few years fighting the town they should have known the process to a USDA loan needed our support and a vote to allow the money to be borrowed. 
 After spending 18,000.00 plus on the governance of Templeton one would think they would read the document. But only if the General manager would let them and he wouldn't.
The Commissioners were not allowed to view the 18,000.00  document Driscoll purchased with our money or anyone else. 4-5 lawyers made good money on a document never shown to anyone.
After all if the loan doesn’t get paid the town is on the hook just like things at the Light dept that are in contracts we never are in possession of held at MMWEC corporate offices. No copies here to view I’ve been told only at MMWEC a state corporation owned by the Commonwealth of Ma. They hold your light department money for us in accounts in case needed for rate adjustments and things like oil, nuke plant work.
Things at the Templeton Municipal Light and Water Plant are not getting any better only growing larger and costing more every time we look closer. When will they increase the rates next is not the only question to ask, it’s how much.
"It is our Business "


  1. FYI out of 252 towns reporting on water rates/ Templeton is in the top 6% /top 15 for Tighe bond water report for FY14. FY 15 report not yet published so NOV 2015 increases is not included just so you know where we stand compared to the state.

  2. Freedom of information act is for the government not private company such is the light
    and water company running under a trust / partnership ,The problem is when the take over of this company was removed form the town , Those who are running The companies now even water can for profit raise wages and provide equipment include in operation of said companies , but because its said too be " municipal" the company can aline all profits though wages and benefits The town people because they have such a municipal services are restricted form all federal grants such as solar ,ect ,
    Much of us if not all citizens due to it being said to be Municipal and the monopoly constructed by the jurisdiction prevents real profit by town people , that being said the rates for services under the massachusetts regulation are not define to demand any municipality . so a rate of a lower penny can be said to be given as benefit for charge against other companies The citizens using such power are held captive by the monopoly , Until the said municipality is sold to private we all gain few cents
    for usage , but are restricted by many other benefits that would cut the rates for disable and fix incomes even the donation to the town in many sums are bestowed to the town government not benefit to the user but it all ads up right ?
