Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Special Town Meeting Update

Special Town Meeting Update

Article 1  Debt Authorization for USDA Loan for the Water Department:
After discussion and a handcount this article passed 41 YES votes to 11 NO votes. Required a 2/3 vote.

Points of discussion - New concrete tank is projected to have a useful life of 70-100 years. Painting the tank would cost $550,000. New Tank is projected to cost $1.23 million. Cost of maintaining the concrete tank is not known. At this point in time,  the November 2015 increase in the water rates (9%) should be enough to cover the cost of the water tank. Unknown at this point is when the next water tank will need to be repainted or replaced which will increase the rates even further. To infinity and beyond!

The Advisory Board was split on this article with 2 - YES votes; 2- NO votes and 2 - abstentions
Some members of the Advisory Board feel the water budget should be reviewed by the Advisory Board and the water budget should be voted on at Town Meeting.

Article 2  Debt Authorization : Templeton Elementary School:

This article contained a small, inconsequential wording change - NOT!

The wording :
"To meet this appropriation the Narragansett Regional School District, with the approval of the Templeton Board of Selectmen, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G. L. Chapter 44, or pursuant to any other enabling authority";

"To meet this appropriation the Treasurer, with the approval of the Templeton Board of Selectmen, is authorized to borrow said amount under and pursuant to M.G. L. Chapter 44, or pursuant to any other enabling authority"; 

Two years ago, the original article wording was brought before the Templeton Selectmen to be included in the Special Town Meeting Warrant held on March 29, 2014 by former Supt. Ruth Miller. Supt Miller insisted on this wording because " That's what MSBA says. Those are the rules."

 TWO years later, Templeton's BOND Counsel  is insisting on the change to Town's Treasurer be authorized to borrow, because guess what?


Cause for concern:

When asked at last night's Special Town Meeting, Town Counsel responded that they had not reviewed the contract for the new $50 million dollar elementary school. This is the largest, most expensive capital project ever undertaken by the Town of Templeton (still no bond rating) and the Templeton Board of Selectmen did not request Town Counsel to review this contract!

Article VI of the General ByLaws states:
       Article VI – Contracts by Town Officers
Section 1. Unless otherwise provided by the General Laws or a vote of Town Meeting, the Board of Selectmen is authorized to enter into any
contract for the exercise of the Town’s corporate powers on such terms and conditions as are deemed appropriate. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no 
Board, Committee, Commission or Town officer shall contract for any purpose, on any terms or under any conditions inconsistent with any applicable provision of any general or special law. (G.L. c. 40, section 4, Town Meeting 
designation of contracting authority).

According to our Bylaws and Mass. General Law, only the Board of Selectmen can sign a contract authorizing debt on the Town's behalf.

That's why there was an article 2 on this STM warrant in the first place. Article 2 corrects the erroneous/felonious article submitted by the former school superintendent.

That's why the water department had to come before town meeting to allow the selectmen to sign off on the USDA loan for the water tank. 

Only the Selectmen can authorize the town treasurer/collector to borrow money. Selectmen can only authorize the borrowing after voters approve at town meeting and/or the ballot.

A good, first step to correcting this potential blunder would be to have town counsel review the contract for the new elementary school. It's never a bad thing to have town counsel review contracts - especially if the are in the $50 million dollar range.



  1. It seems the BOS/Administrator neglected to even let the town council know the Town Meeting was going to take place until the last minute. What was up with that ??

  2. you realize if you are not one of the few that read this blog you had no idea about the town meeting or anything else going on. Instead of ranting on here, those involved in trying to make things right in town ought to post signs around town with all these issues. 90% of people in town either don't know about issues or don't care and go with the flow. if signs were scattered around town about the well issue more people may have taken an interest to what was going on. This blog is not much different than the gardner news as far as readership, very few tune in here.

  3. Do Do come and read all you want. Don't if you wish. You must be told there are plenty of people who come here and read but do not comment. It's their choice!
    Like your to leave a comment. You could be a town crier too. We choose to do it this way and when my Uncle Pauly asked for us to continue this blog we did honor his wish.
    Like this Blog or not is only a opinion. We all have them these days. Your point about the signs is a good one and it could have a impact but so should the peoples wallets but time and time again it's all about packing 50 people in a Special town meeting for the few to get what they want. That is small town politics in a nut shell.
    The big "nut" shell.
    People would read the signs and still stay home and be intimidated.
    I've learned a lot about the way this town runs and gets run.
    The only way to make any change is by one commissioner at a time.
    Expose the things we feel are wrong and that could be better for everyone.
    When people find out laws are not followed and are pointed out to those in violation they all should seek changes in boards and commissions.
    As we found out last night we had 44 people decide a 1.238 million dollar project that belonged on a Annual town meeting warrant. We were told at the meeting this was a surprise. Bullshit it was they have known and admitted it. This way they could call their people in for the vote and get it the way they wanted it.
    Good for them now it's time to stop the way they do business and set a path for a honest approach to the way things get done.
    As Commissioner i will expose any and all issues not done in the best interests of Templeton and the taxpayers. Plane and simple i will blow the whistle if i see it and they will know it from day one. Harder to hide issues when i sit at the commission table if I'm elected. Maybe a televised meeting for starters would have a impact on the meeting and people could see the elected officials in action or "not" in action.
    Change is needed!
    Vote SMART
    TMLWP Commission

  4. I am not attacking this blog, just stating that way more people Do Not read this than people that do, and it seems like this is the only spot to find whats going on in town. Mass mailings and signs will get the attention of many. I have been around here since the beginning and am still waiting for the washing machine to stop so we see what comes out.

    1. My friend in Spencer told me they receive a phone call letting them know there is going to be a Town Meeting, and what is on the adjenda. Like a reverse 911 that we have. I do not think people were aware that there was a meeting going on. Richard Chartier was right. This could have waited until ATM, so more people could have asked questions.

    2. Do is STUPID, I am coming to the point that the wash is going to dump out dirty water, and not much else. It does seem that there are more bad rags in the wash and not enough soap. With the election coming up, I am hoping enough good people will get on the Select Board, and the Light and Water Board, as that is the only way to make changes. The BOS needs to have people who will check things out on their own, not just sit and follow, that is if they can stay awake. Space savers do not do us any good. They stop good interaction and ideas. This is not a training ground for Light and Water people, though a seat on the Light Commissioners has been known to be a reward for those that follow the Company Line. You do know, Light and Water Commissioners do get paid. How much is anyones guess.
