Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Templeton OKs New Water Tank

Templeton OKs New Water Tank
Most of the cost will be paid through a loan
‘The existing tank is about 60 years old. It’s served all of its useful life.”
— John Driscoll, Municipal Light and Water Plant general manager

Tara Vocino

TEMPLETON  All of the articles at Special Town Meeting on Monday passed with some discussion, including a measure to demolish and rebuild a water storage tank in East Templeton.

Fifty-six voters came out.

The Water Department offered to pay for the meeting, as there was a debt authorization article on the warrant for the $1.2 million water tank.

The vote to demolish and rebuild a water storage tank initially passed by a 2/3 vote when a request was put in for a hand motion.

It passed again, 41-11. Municipal Light and Water Plant General Manager John Driscoll went to the microphone to express why the loan from the U.S. Department of Agriculture was needed for the 500,000 gallon water storage tank on Johnson Avenue in East Templeton.

“The existing tank is about 60 years old,” Driscoll said.”

It’s served all of its useful life.”

Driscoll said the tank offers important fire protection, holding half a million gallons.

“Half of that was used in the last fire,” Driscoll said.

He said it’s also a compliance issue.

“If we don’t do anything about it, the paint will bleed into the water,” Driscoll said.

“It was last painted in 1997, and it has to be painted every 15 to 20 years.”

Driscoll explained that over time, the chemicals in the water eat away the paint.

However, only .2 percent is used for drinking water.

The majority of the water is used for showering, washing dishes, and laundry.

He said if they don’t comply, it’s a matter of time before fines set in, and the water is shut off.

The water rates won’t increase. It will be funded 80 percent through the loan and 20 percent through grant.

Resident John Worden went to the microphone, also in favor.

“It’s a very necessary project, equalizing water pressures,” Worden said.

However, resident Richard Chartier went to the podium to speak against it.

“We ought to wait until Annual Town Meeting when more people are here to vote on it,” Chartier said.

Article 2 was for language for the treasurer, with the approval of selectmen, to be allowed to borrow $500,000 for the schematic design for the Templeton Elementary School.

It passed by a two-thirds vote.

The selectmen all voted in favor.

The Advisory Board recommended a yes vote with two against.

Article 3 was to transfer $899 to pay an old bill from Woodco Machinery to the Highway Department for fiscal 2015.

Article 4 was make several fund transfers from accounts that had excess money to pay for needed costs in other accounts within the fiscal 2016 budget.

Selectmen and the Advisory Board both recommended the transfers.

Interim Town Administrator Bob Markel said the Light Department had announced it will provide $19,000 in street lights at no charge, so that money was transferred to pay for Fire/EMS salaries.

Also, $12,500 was transferred from a debt account and $12,949 from the town administrator’s salary account to pay for Fire/EMS salaries.

Some of that money will be used to make Templeton a HEARTSafe community.

“We had budgeted for the light expense,” Markel said.

“We don’t need that money.

And the Fire Department is making the transition to advanced life support services.”

Article 5 was to transfer $128,000 from the Community Preservation Fund for the third phase of a Common Burial Ground Tombs Restoration Project renovate six tombs at the First Church of Templeton, United Church of Christ, in downtown Templeton.

Selectmen and the Advisory Board had recommended it.

Advisory Board member Kate Fulton called the tomb restoration “an admirable project.”


  1. Sooo...

    If :‘The existing tank is about 60 years old. It’s served all of its useful life.”
    — John Driscoll, Municipal Light and Water Plant general manager

    Mr. Driscoll is referring to the water tank on Ladder Hill which has served all of its useful life."


    What about the water tank on South Road, which is older than the water tank on Ladder Hill?

    When will THAT water tank need to be replaced?

    1. Anyone want to venture a guest as to what the water rates will be by the time the South Road Tank needs replacing ?? Why is it that every time the Light/Water Department wants to do a project it only goes for approval at a Special Town Meeting ?? Something to think about ?? I wonder how long the Water users will sit back before they start asking questions, like where does all the money go ?? We are not like some countries who will shoot you for asking questions you have a right to know. Why did Mr. Blaise throw his tantrum ?? For a minute I thought Rescue was going to have to come to the rescue. Hee hee

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
