Sunday, April 3, 2016


Templeton's Josephine Ruckey says she likes to stay active
News staff photo by Tara Vocino Josephine Ruckey, Templeton’s oldest resident, will turn 101 years old on Easter Sunday. From left to right, Baldwinville Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Activities Coordinator Sandy Skinner embraces Ruckey in her room.
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News staff photo by Tara Vocino Josephine Ruckey, Templeton’s oldest resident, will turn 101 years old on Easter Sunday. From left to right, Baldwinville Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center Activities Coordinator Sandy Skinner embraces Ruckey in her room.
Tara Vocino

TEMPLETON — Josephine Ruckey, Templeton’s oldest resident, will turn 101 years old on Easter Sunday.

She lived on Dudley Road in Templeton for more than 50 years before moving to the Baldwinville Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, where she currently lives, said Templeton Senior Community Center Activities Coordinator Virginia Strahan.

“She was awarded the Boston Post Cane by selectmen and the Narragansett Historical Society last March on her 100th birthday, which makes her officially the oldest resident in town,” Strahan said.

Born on March 27, 1915, Ruckey said everyone keeps asking her what her secret is.

“They ask, ‘Do you eat good?,’” Ruckey said.

“I say, ‘Maybe it was the Polish food.’ I put sugar on spaghetti and meatballs to take away the sour taste of the tomato sauce.

I put fresh, not smoked, sausage on top.”

Ruckey’s children, William, 82, and Chester, 72, plan to visit her at the nursing home on Sunday.

She predicted that it’ll be too cold for them to go out, but she said her elderly sons might surprise her with a cake and presents.

Ruckey said she doesn’t feel any different from when she turned 100 last year.

“The only thing is I can’t talk well,” Ruckey said.

“I have difficulty walking, seeing and hearing.”

She admitted that her mind is slipping, but she still remembers a lot of information.

For instance, she said she couldn’t remember how many great grandchildren she has.

She likes making crafts, but she said it’s tough with arthritis in her fingers.

Ruckey said she keeps active.

Before the interview, she was getting her nails done.

Activities Coordinator Sandy Skinner said Ruckey plays bingo, goes to Catholic Mass, gardens, bowls and goes to other birthday parties at the nursing home.

Skinner said Ruckey crosses off the calendar days as each day goes by.

“She stays active but independent,” Skinner said.

“She does her own thing in here.”

Ruckey worked in the upholstery business, making 16 cents an hour at age 14.

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