Friday, April 15, 2016

Fluoride 101

Fluoride 101


  1. Water fluoridation has been a big lie told by big corporations (who in many cases donate large sums of money to politicians for legislation) to improve their bottom line. Fluoride is poison and always has been. Please come to town meeting to help end this madness of poisoning our fellow town members.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. We need to get this taken care of for once and for all !! How do people know there is fluoride in the water if no one tells them ? No notice on their water bills, nothing on their tax bill ? How would you know?.. Say you have new baby, Do you make formular with our town water ?. Not if you are smart !, Bythe way, vote for Dave Smart for Light and Water. One good guy on that board is better than none !!!

  2. So will Portland vote to add fluoride to the water?
    With the dose so low one would think the system that adds it should be a very precise and under strict control.
    The water improvement study has no information on the systems Templeton uses. Is it still a powder we use or a liquid? I know when i saw the system years ago it was powder and behind curtains so there was no exposure. When testing is done on our water supply the water dept. does it themselves. If it were done by the state and no notice given of when or where would the results be the same?
    When asked if there was any arsenic in our water we were told no. Do we?
    In any amount do we?
    I think you will be surprised to hear.
