Friday, April 22, 2016

Leading Physician Joins Calls for Federal Investigation of Water Fluoridation

Leading Physician Joins Calls for Federal Investigation of Water Fluoridation

 April 5th, 2016
Location: United States, National

Dr. Mark Hyman Warns of Fluoride Risks to Diabetics, Kidney Patients, and Thyroid Function

April 5, 2016:  Ellijay, Georgia: Physician and nine-time #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman has joined a growing chorus of influential leaders highlighting possible health risks from drinking fluoridated municipal water.

Dr. Mark Hyman

Known to millions of American television viewers for his media appearances, Dr. Hyman is also calling for a federal investigation of water fluoridation.

“There are numerous mechanisms by which uncontrolled dosing of fluorides through water fluoridation can potentially harm thyroid function, the body and the brain,” he says.

Hyman states, “I support federal investigative hearings looking into why our cities and towns are allowed to continue to add fluoride to public water sources and why the whole story about fluorides is only just now coming out.”

Water fluoridation is the long-controversial practice of adding fluoride chemicals to drinking water for the purpose of helping to prevent cavities.

Decades-long unease with fluoridation is accelerating rapidly with a spate of new studies and media accounts describing how ingested fluorides can potentially be harmful.

Freedom of Information Act documents also show active efforts by fluoridation promoters to direct public attention away from possible harmful impacts of fluorides.

Daniel G. Stockin, MPH, a public health professional known internationally for his work to end water fluoridation, points out that, “The National Research Council of the National Academies of Sciences says that kidney patients, diabetics, seniors, and other groups are ‘susceptible subpopulations’ especially vulnerable to harm from ingested fluorides. Yet strangely cities continue to allow uncontrolled dosing of these groups with fluorides in their water. Now we have documents showing that certain vested interest groups worked actively to keep people from grasping what is happening.

It’s no wonder a full-fledged Fluoridegate scandal is erupting.”

Key national figures such as Erin Brockovich, Lois Gibbs, and Alveda King have called for Fluoridegate scandal hearings, and momentum for federal hearings is accelerating as impacted constituency groups awaken to the issue.

For years a vaunted pillar of public health, water fluoridation is reeling from media coverage once deemed unthinkable, such as a recent national television appearance by Erin Brockovich on the subject, and a three-part Spanish language series aired to Hispanic viewers in Atlanta, home to the Centers for Disease Control that has promoted fluoridation.

Voicing his concern about possible fluoride harm to the thyroid and to certain groups, Dr. Hyman says, “A malfunctioning thyroid often leads to weight gain. And diabetics and patients with kidney disease are often thirsty, causing them to consume increased amounts of fluorides if they have access to only fluoridated water. Communities of color and the underserved are disproportionately harmed by fluorides because most rely on municipal water sources, many of which continue to add fluoride, despite research showing the potential harms and negating the potential benefits.”

“Our federal government says that 4.6 million people over age 12 have hypothyroidism, more than 20 million adults have some level of kidney disease, and more than 29 million people have diabetes,” Stockin says.

“Clearly these groups deserve to hear the whole story about possible harm from drinking fluoridated water,” he observes.

Reference Links / Sources:

*Full text of quote from Dr. Mark Hyman via email on April 1, 2016:

“There are numerous mechanisms by which uncontrolled dosing of fluorides through water fluoridation can potentially harm thyroid function, the body and the brain. A malfunctioning thyroid often leads to weight gain. And diabetics and patients with kidney disease are often thirsty, causing them to consume increased amounts of fluorides if they have access to only fluoridated water. Communities of color and the underserved are disproportionately harmed by fluorides because most rely on municipal water sources, many of which continue to add fluoride, despite research showing the potential harms and negating the potential benefits. I support federal investigative hearings looking into why our cities and towns are allowed to continue to add fluoride to public water sources and why the whole story about fluorides is only just now coming out.”

* Dr. Hyman info:
* National Research Council’s report on fluorides in water – see bottom of page for susceptible subpopulations:
* Freedom of Information Act documents: click on green box for a summary of key quotes within hundreds of pages of documents received:
* Atlanta Spanish language fluoridation coverage:
* Hypothyroidism statistics:
* Kidney disease statistics:
* Diabetes statistics:
* Summary of science on health risks from fluoridated water:


  1. Fluoride is a poison and always has been. If water fluoridation does not help our smile or strengthen our bones just why does our government keep pushing water fluoridation on the ignorant masses? According to Kevin Mugur Galalae the reason is quite frightful.
    KillingUsSoftly I agree with his assessment after doing the research on water fluoridation maybe it is time you looked a little closer if you dare.

  2. To web site moderator , Please allow us to do a heath study of there citizen who used town water we should asked the department to conduct a questionnaire We should count.... How many people using town water have , IBS type diseases like UC , Crones ,or have lost colons form bleeding , kidneys , teeth issue ,Ect... we could base this on streets count how long people have lived in the town and used the water of course when they were diagnosed with the many disease cause by sodium Fluoride . asked to send all the info back to Mr smart He could collect data , Id the name of disease to see how many people have IBS issue

  3. Very good idea. Maybe one day people will figure out that we are right. Hopefully not before too many people die.
