Sunday, April 24, 2016

Meetings the Week of April 25, 2016

Meetings the Week of April 25, 2016

Monday 4/25/16
Insurance Com.                         E. Temp             1:00 pm
BOS                                          E. Temp.             6:30 pm

Tuesday 4/26/16
Elem School                            NRHS Library     6:00 pm
Elem School                            Kiva                     6:30 pm
Planning                                  Kiva                     7:20 pm     
ZBA                                        Kiva                     6:30 pm

Wednesday 4/27/16
Adv. Board                             E. Temp.              6:00 pm

Thursday 4/28/16
Candidate Night                    Kamaloht          6:00 pm

1 comment:

  1. It is so important that every one come to Town Meeting. Decisions that will effect your future will take place there. Don't tell me "you do not want to be involved" !! This is the town you chose to live in, so support the people who work for you. We would not have a Town Hall without the work of Julie Farrell and her husband. Julie spent all of her vacation time off from her full time job working at the school in Ashburnham. She spent her spring summer and fall vacations working, painting YOUR Town Hall. Jeff Bennett and Will Spring went up in the attic of the old E.T. School to check for leaks. With out the cover they put on to get it through the winter, it would not have made it at all. Dave Smart is running for the Light and Water Dept. We need him as a start to a new beginning on that Board. The Light and Water Dept. is in need of a transfusion. Dave was laid off from the Highway Dept. when we moved from Athol Rd. to E.T. He gave of his free time to help with your Town Hall. It would have cost us a small fortune to move all of that furniture and all of those file cabinets. The one and only sitting Selectman who offered to help was Doug. Morrission and his wife Dianna. I washed windows. Ashley and Kevin Bird provided the Town with the beautiful wall hanging. They did their share of painting. Support the people who help you. Vote for Dave, Julie and Jeff. Bennett
