Friday, April 29, 2016


Question asked last night at Candidates night
Do I think the rate paid for solar net metering was at wholesale or should it be at a retail rate when consumed at a retail rate?

Net metering policy on the TMLWP site is as follows.

For the billing interval ending during the first month following each anniversary date of net metering generation facility operation (or at the termination of electric service), should any unused credits have been accumulated during the previous 12 months, then TMLWP shall credit the electric customer's account an amount equal to the unused credited KWH times the average Locational Marginal Price (LMP) cost (excluding transmission costs) from the previous 12 months.
TMLWP shall be the party responsible for maintenance and testing of said bi-directional! meter.

To conclude the amount should be LMP ( excluding transmission cost)

I hope that includes the special Bi directional meter cost.

If the power is consumed locally and not pushed back into the grid TMLWP incur no added cost to push out. If not and it goes back to the grid the cost is increased the net metered customer should only be allowed the margin minus the charges needed to prohibit any loss to the TMLWP. This cost could reduce the net metering buyback when the power needs are low and solar production is high.
Some who were of the thought the net metering was a money maker have over sized and are now stuck with a power production they thought was worth what they were paying for power in reverse.
As with any investment always check with the people who know the most before you invest.

Almost all Solar installers will not come to Templeton due to our TMLWP.
The reason is the above information does not work for them or us as consumers.

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