Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Selectman's Meeting April 11, 2016 ....Seig heil!

Selectman's Meeting April 11, 2016 
Sieg heil!

Town Administrator Report-
The appointment of Matt Karpeichik as a full time employee of the highway department .

Insurance Advisory Committee has been reformed. The IAC needs a member from the Advisory Board. The Advisory Board will meet later this week and discuss an appointment to this committee.

The Auditors will arrive on April 20th to begin the audit for FY 13. FY 13 is fiscal year that is in the worst shape. FY 13 is the year when the old accounting software - City and Town went haywire. By April, the BOS scraped up enough money to purchase Vadar software to replace City & Town. April is three quarters through the fiscal year which is NOT a good time to transition to new accounting software.

There WILL be a ZBA meeting on April 26, 2016 because the height of the elementary school is 1.5 feet higher than Templeton Zoning By laws allows in the Village District.

The Annual town meeting will begin at 9:00 am on Saturday, May 14th. The warrant is open until April 20th. There are 16 preliminary articles for this warrant including 2 citizen petitions.

Dennis O'Brien was appointed as an alternate to the ZBA. 

Job descriptions for the selectman's office were discussed again. A decision will be made at the next selectman's meeting.

The Fire chief and many members of the fire department were on hand for the Heart Safe Award presentation. 

Budget News - while discussing how to spend $47,411 dollars of unallocated funds, some discussion ensued about the use of Free Cash. While this reporter was recognized and had the floor to discuss the use of Free Cash, I was ejected from the meeting by the chairman of the Board of Selectman, John Columbus.

The Chairman John Columbus wants to use free cash to supplement the town's operational budget. I pointed out to him that using free cash in this manner is one of the ways our town got into its financial mess. No Bond rating. No Certified Free Cash. Things like that.

Seig heil John Columbus!

My opinions...supported by FACTS!!!

Julie Farrell



  1. "ejected from the meeting" for stating your thoughts on what and why??? welcome to Moscow! another select board chairman, with a "like sounding" last name wouldn't allow the floor to speak at all. then, to show the belief in his own convictions, called for a police escort out of the building!!! the next time he ran he lost 60-40!!! local voting IS important. we have 4 qualified candidates running for selectman. pay attention to the ideas of each and go out and vote. if you don't vote you have no right to complain!!!! unfortunately, the current chairman is not on the ballot!!!!

    1. Julie is right. For years the town supplimented the budget with money from the light company, fee cash , and any dime that could be found. This has to stop, or the end will not be in sight. Rumor has it that our Veteran,s agent went to Town Hall and asked about our old friend from echo hill. Is a vote for him going to be a vote for Light and Water ?. It is bad enough we have sitting selectmen who have no clue what is going on. We do not need another one.

  2. If he becomes selectman will he have to give up being the veterans agent??

    1. I don,t know. Does anyone have a answer to that question? J.C. Has got to go ! when a person can get thrown out of a Selectman's Meeting for having a discussion, there is something very wrong. Someone schould ask this guy how much he pays in property taxes ? I can tell you....0 is what he pays. It's something when these people are more than willing to drive up the tax rate on you and me when they do not pay a dime.

  3. He should be able and he told me he has checked and was told it was ok.
    I would think on matters of budget and certain items like other selectmen have sat out when things are related or people are related. Like for doug to vote for his wifes raise would be a problem and should not be done.
    Things in the past have been done under the noses of people who didn't want to bother with these things and are part of the reason we have problems now like money and audits!!

  4. right on as usual Bev,about jc. to bad all 4 that are running can't win!! if they could I think we could finally start solving some problems!!! it will be tuff to pick two!!!!
