Friday, April 1, 2016

Templeton's Bond Rating is Restored! Free Cash is Certified!

Templeton's Bond Rating is Restored! 

Free Cash is Certified!

MSBA will fully fund The Stephen Hemman Elementary School!

Details at 11:00 am press conference! Stay tuned!


  1. HEE HEE
    I hope the Gardner news fully covers this story!
    Front Page News!!!
    Be safe and enjoy your day!

  2. There's sure to be press coverage!

    Self painting water tanks and water mains that repair themselves!

    1. I understand a new Throne will be delivered to Templeton Light and Water. John D. will be crowned king at 12:00 P.M.

  3. Total certified free cash for 4 combined years is 1,234,432.69.
    Not bad for a broke town to have in the saver account.
    At least with the efforts of the Templeton highway crew he will have a clean place to park now.
