Sunday, July 24, 2016

DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Announces Resignation Following Wikileaks...

DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz Announces Resignation Following Wikileaks Revelations, Will Join Clinton Campaign

Tyler Durden's picture
Update 1: In a quite shocking 'beyond caring what the average joe thinks' move, Hillary Clinton just announced that Debbie Wasserman Schultz will serve as an honorary chair on Clinton's campaign.
Hillary Clinton is thanking her "longtime friend" Debbie Wasserman Schultz after the Florida congresswoman's decision to step down as chair of the Democratic National Committee.
"I am grateful to Debbie for getting the Democratic Party to this year's historic convention in Philadelphia, and I know that this week's events will be a success thanks to her hard work and leadership," she said.

"There's simply no one better at taking the fight to the Republicans than Debbie--which is why I am glad that she has agreed to serve as honorary chair of my campaign's 50-state program to gain ground and elect Democrats in every part of the country, and will continue to serve as a surrogate for my campaign nationally, in Florida, and in other key states."
Her full statement::

As ABC reports, Clinton responded after Wasserman Schultz agreed to step down as chair at the end of this week's Democratic National Convention.The move came after the publication last week of some 19,000 hacked emails, some of which suggested the DNC was favoring Clinton during the primary season.

*  *  *

As we detailed earlier, it seem Bernie Sanders has the last laugh, following a CNN report that his archnesmsis, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is resigning as chair at the end of the Democratic National Convention. The DNC's official statement makes no mention of her involvement in smears and collusion exposed by the Wikileaks emails.

As The Washington Post reports, she had faced growing pressure to resign Sunday in the aftermath of the release of thousands of embarrassing internal email exchanges among Democratic officials, an episode that has pitched the party into turmoil on the eve of a convention that was promised to showcase unity.

"I would ask her to step aside," David Axelrod, a former adviser to President Obama, said on CNN of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. "I would ask her to step aside, because she's a distraction on a week that is Hillary Clinton's week."

Other senior Democrats echoed that sentiment, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive internal matter. These Democrats indicated that the Clinton campaign would like the resignation to come Sunday.
And sure enough...

Full Statement:
"Going forward, the best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as Party Chair at the end of this convention. As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans. We have planned a great and unified Convention this week and I hope and expect that the DNC team that has worked so hard to get us to this point will have the strong support of all Democrats in making sure this is the best convention we have ever had.

"I've been proud to serve as the first woman nominated by a sitting president as Chair of the Democratic National Committee and I am confident that the strong team in place will lead our party effectively through this election to elect Hillary Clinton as our 45th president."
Her replacement:

Meanwhile, Bernie finally finds peace ...

... although we doubt his supporters will be delighted that DWS is about to remain in Hillary's pocket as the "honorary chair" on her committee.

So, "Putin wins"... if only according to the failed attempt to redirect the narrative to the "Russian hack" of the DNC Servers.

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