Tuesday, July 12, 2016

July 11th Selectmen's Meeting

July 11th Selectmen's Meeting

The meeting began with a moment of silence for the Dallas police officers.

The meeting began at 6:10 pm. with the final town administrator's report from Bob Markel. An interim town administrator was due to be interviewed, but that did not happen. At the end of the meeting, the selectmen decided the board would run the town until an interim could be hired. The board of selectmen will meet more often to run the town.

Hubbardston road paving project is complete.
The Complete Streets application has been submitted and approved. The $50,000 funding (in September) will be to design a street system for the town. It may be possible to review the infrastructure under the street as well - like old water mains and sewer mains...don't hold your breath!

The Community Compact grant will move forward. The three areas of concern this grant will address is financial planning, regionalization and IT security.

Pending issues include the police chief contract and the approval of the personnel policy and procedures

Of the four search firms for Town Administrator, two will be interviewed at the next Selectmen's meeting on July 25th; Tom Broux and the Collins Institute.

In other news, the audit for FY 13 will not begin until January 2017. The postponement, yet again, is due to the complexity of this audit and the availability of the auditors to perform the work. The books for FY 13 are in good shape. The prior years are the problem. (The former auditors were rather sloppy is the kindest way to put it. Which is why an investigation was asked for numerous times by this author, Julie Farrell).

Later in the meeting the Advisory Board had a powerpoint presentation outlining their budget concerns:

 Confirmation of hiring COA Activities Coordinator discussion was rather lengthy and interrupted by the public hearing for the trailer permit at 109 Baldwinville Rd. The trailer permit was approved.

After much discussion, Alisha O'Malley was confirmed as the COA Activities Coordinator. Holly Young will be the contact for Human Resources from this point forward.

A clearer procedure for lateral transfers in Templeton was discussed, but not acted upon.

Highway bids was tabled. More information was needed in order to make a decision.

Alan Mayo presented the board with a request for a change in the signatory for the grants currently underway. The change will be from the town administrator to the chairman of the board of selectmen.  

 Advisory Committee Update- 
began with a request for the chairman of the board of selectmen's signature on the transfers.

The presentation began with comments and questions held until the end of the presentation.

 After the presentation, Bob Markel assured the board of selectmen that once the audits were complete, the bond rating would be restored in FY 17 and would certainly be an "A" bond rating, even though the audits have been delayed until January 2017.

Thus far there has been no short term borrowing for the elementary school project. 

The town administrator assured the advisory committee that the board of selectmen would not use free cash (once certified) for the operational budget.

End of the Year Transfers were discussed and will be revisited  during the advisory committee meeting on Wednesday July 13th.

Comment was made about the End of the Year transfer forms and process. It was stated that other communities use a similar process.

A resident, John Boshigian, addressed the board with his concerns regarding road runoff onto his property. He would like an abatement due to restricted use of his land.

Found this old presentation from 2014. Sound familiar?

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