Thursday, July 21, 2016

Rumor has it...

Rumor has it...
Public Safety?

So if it were YOUR home and you called in an electrical fire, would you expect a fire truck to show up?

In Templeton, don't set your expectations that high.



  1. well well

    was it toned out??

    what time of day was it ??

    templeton does not have a full time dept so people work have family commitments and so on !! so if you expect a fire truck to show up on every call in a timely fashion you need to pay for tru taxes and not having the selectmen rob the money out of there budget !!

  2. Good point and if the firefighters show up with no fire truck i guess it just video time.

  3. A fire truck did show up when you live on the end of south rd and it comes from Baldwinville it takes time it's not a helicopter.. not to mention calling on a cell phone goes to the S.P then they call us.. this also takes time..

  4. TO DENNY51, Can you explain why a fire truck would come from Baldwinville when there is a fire station in Templeton Center right off South Road? Please explain why a cell 99 call goes to state police first? Lastly, how does a volunteer fire department affect an advance life support ambulance call. If you call 911 for an ambulance, does that call also go to state police first, there by delaying time to respond to a potential life saving issue/ I believe a clear explanation would help. It is also possible to check with Templeton dispatch log and see how things went on this issue. Thank you for any clarification on this matter.

  5. All cell 911 phone calls go to the State police. I didn't make the system you'll have to talk to them about that! That's just the way they work. with a volunteer Fire department there is no staffed station for fire. you get what ever truck is on with a crew. The crew who was on just cleared the hospital and were returning to town. with only 3 personal on duty, During the day we are very lucky to get 1 or 2 extra men. The best way to repair this problem is more full time people and we can staff both stations

    1. My sister had a fire this past Tuesday . Lucky for her, she and her husband were sitting on the porch. When she had her house built, they ran the electric and phone wires along side the stone wall, in stead of up the middle of the lawn. It seems over them years the branches grew and one of them rubbed on the wire causing a spark. The spark caught the phone wire and it burned to the house, down the side, and into the cellar. My sister could not use the house phone, as all of her electricity went out. This had to use her cell phone, and yes she got the St. Police. She told them she had a electrical fire. Did the fire truck show up ? Hell no !, She said two guys came in the Fire Cheif's blazer. It was at that point the truth was called for. What is wrong with that picture ?? Everything ! My sister said it took te truck twenty minutes to get to her house. I will check the incident report to see eactly how long it did take. Why on earth would anyone ride past the fire station and not stop to take the truck ?..This action could have taken a life or the whole house could have been destroyed. I have a friend that retired from a fire department. He said when a 911 call comes in it is treated like it is, a emergency, and the truck should have been brought, No excuses !,

  6. I was told when the tone went out for this fire the crew in service was at the Baldwinville station and left asap. With a fire truck from the Baldwinville station.
    Is it a 20 minute ride from there to the south rd fire location?
    Was the tone from the state dispatch when the timer started on the 20 minutes?
    Cell phones record time calls go out and when compared to the tone out time could tell how things went down.Bev do you know when the time of the cell phone call was made?
    Follow up needed.
    Anyone can request from the police when the time of the tone out was.

  7. As for time wise when you have an emergency 5 mins seems like an hour

    1. It still made no sense for one of the Deputy Chief's to ride past a fire station, with out getting a truck. If he needed to use a air pack to get into the house, to save someone, he wouldn't have one to the best of my knowledge, unless there was one in his truck.

  8. I believe he has one in the Chiefs truck

    There is a rule for firefighters safety. It's called the two in and two out rule so what that means is if there a fire a min of 4 firefighters are need before entry it made in to a building !
