Friday, July 29, 2016

Templeton Kerfuffles

Templeton Kerfuffles

The FY 17 budget will need to be revamped and then re-voted at special town meeting this fall..maybe.

The selectmen began the joint meeting( 7.21.16) by discussing the elephant in the room; that elephant being the "eye-popping" deficit from FY 13. Pick a figure- the $820,010.19 amount or the amount with the reduction in state aid payment March 2013 not received because Schedule A was not reported to the DOR - that figure is $1,045,471.19

Continue that meeting with discussion about handing out raises in FY 17, some as high as 15% which will need to be approved at the special town meeting in the Fall. 

How will the selectmen explain giving raises when there is a million dollar deficit for FY 13?

Vacant positions -
HR assistant in the BOS office

Fire Chief - hopefully a highly qualified paramedic fire chief who lives within 15 miles of Baptist Common Road

Interim Town Administrator

FT town administrator

Fire chief contract not renewed - no reason given.  To maintain ALS service 14 hours per 24 hour period and increase ALS to 16 hours out of 24 hours by April 2017. 

Is there enough money in the FY 17 Fire department budget to keep and expand ALS service without a paramedic fire chief?

Baldwinville Fire Station Restoration


Historically significant vs culturally significant. Historical buildings cost a lot more to repair!

How's this for an idea. 

Move Emergency Management  into 2 School St. Store most of the non-perishable equipment at the Baldwinville Fire Station. Meet and house the computer equipment at 2 School St.

There is NO reception for most electronic devices including communications at the Baldwinville fire station during an emergency.

Why heat and maintain another "clubhouse"?


It remains to be seen if the Planning Board will rubber stamp the Elementary project in Templeton Center.

Smart money is betting "Yes"!  'cause that's how we do government in Templeton.

Water still flows downhill. Templeton Center is at the top of a large hill. So where will the water go? Downhill!

The traffic will go round and round in circles, if it moves at all. 

In other news, rumor has it that the Veterans Services Office is moving to the Senior Center all the way across town. Say it isn't so! 

Why not use Scout Hall for the Veterans Services if there is a lack of space at the PCS* Town Hall?

Has the Senior Center joined with Phillipston to provide services to Phillipston residents? Is there an inter-municipal agreement in place or is the Templeton tax-payer footing the bill for that as well?

*Pauly Cosentino, Sr Town Hall

Carry on!



1 comment:

  1. Yes. just carry on !! Don't look at where your money is being spent !! Just keep paying. 2 School Street is not used all winter. The snow was never moved from in front of the door. Where is the money coming from ?? I am willing to bet it is cheaper to heat 2 School St., than it is the old fire station.
