Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Water Bans

Water Bans
Let's take a look at a map of communities in Massachusetts with water bans:

So if a community is marked orange there is a MANDATORY Water Ban.

According to this map, Templeton has a mandatory water ban.


  1. Templeton Water Ban in Place:


    This information was taken from the TMLWP web site.
    When the wells run dry they will have a better reason to raise rates to pay for new wells also.
    Should there be a water ban in place?
    Could we all benefit from water conservation?
    Time is now to use our own judgement and do what we feel is right.
    This map shows us all the towns around us have bans in place.
    Our leadership at TMLWP have only one concern MONEY.
    Ask the Commissioners why all towns but ours have a ban in place.
    Are they gambling with our towns health?
    We can't live without water.

  2. The water in our town after having the toxic waste fluoride added is perhaps ok to water your garden with if you are not going organic. I have yet to meet anyone who drinks this poison straight out of the facet, if you do please leave a comment on your current health status here at Paulys. It is believed that bottled water is used at town hall and that as far as can be determined our fluoridated water works fine for flushing the toilet. Even though town meeting will not advocate a warning concerning the toxicity of our water here at Pauly's blog we are still trying to get the information to those who value their health. When in doubt, get it out.

  3. This data was provided by municipal public water suppliers.
    Is it ours have forgot to tell us or warn us about hazards and lack the ability to put in place a water BAN?

    1. I have not seen it this dry in a long, long time. The trees that were planted along Victoria Drive look like they are not going to make it. Lots of them with few leaves, struggling to hang on. You would think these people could spring for a bucket of water at least every other day. At this point, anything is better than nothing.
