Wednesday, August 3, 2016

As drought deepens, communities take stronger measures

  • As drought deepens, communities take stronger measures

  • The reservoir at Pine Hill Dam in Holden is down about 12 feet because of drought conditions.  T&G Staff/Christine Peterson |
    The reservoir at Pine Hill Dam in Holden is down about 12 feet because of drought conditions. T&G Staff/Christine Peterson

  • By George Barnes
    Telegram & Gazette Staff

    Posted Jul. 30, 2016 at 7:00 PM
    Updated Jul 31, 2016 at 1:43 PM

    The steady flow of water out of Pine Hill Reservoir in Holden Thursday morning might easily have been mistaken as a sign of an ample water supply, but the opposite is true.
    The reservoir, one of 10 Worcester relies on for its water supply, is down to 60 percent of its capacity. It is normally not used until later in the year but has been pressed into service because other reservoirs are also down due to a drought that has gripped Central Massachusetts and other parts of the state for much of the year.
    Rain fell Friday, but weather experts say much more is needed to get things back to normal.
    Two weeks ago Worcester and Holden increased water-use restrictions after less than 3 inches of rainfall fell in June and most of July combined. Holden receives part of its water supply from Worcester and is required to take the same steps as Worcester to conserve water.
    "Rainfall has been below average every month this year," said Philip D. Guerin, Worcester's director of water and sewer operations.
    Mr. Guerin said the city's overall water supply in its reservoirs was at 55 percent Jan. 1. Although it increased to normal levels through the spring, it is dropping steadily now because of a continuing drought.
    "Right now it is at 67 percent, but we're losing .4 percent per day," Mr. Guerin said. "Usually on June 1 we are at 100 percent capacity, but this year we were at 87 percent. We peaked at 91 percent April 1."
    Bruce Blanchard, Worcester's water supply manager, said Pine Hill Reservoir is currently sending 10 million gallons per day downstream toward the city.
    Paul J. Moosey, Worcester's commissioner of public works and parks, said the water situation looked good during the 2014-2015 winter but then went downhill. In response to the continuing dry weather, the state has taken the unusual step this month of issuing a drought watch for Central and parts of Eastern Massachusetts.
    The lack of rain has left lawns brown, gardens struggling and farmers working overtime to keep their crops alive, but so far no one is going thirsty.
    Nicole Belk, a National Weather Service meteorologist, said a drought watch has not been issued in the state since 2001-2002.
    "It's been a while," she said, adding that there was a similar situation in 1998-1999.
    Ms. Belk said Central Massachusetts and Northeast Massachusetts, including Boston, are under a watch designation, and most other areas of the state except Cape Cod and extreme Western Massachusetts are under a drought advisory.
    In Worcester in July, as of Thursday, only 1.5 inches of rain had fallen. June only saw 1.66 inches for the entire month. May was half of its normal precipitation at 2.21 inches, according to the National Weather Service. The precipitation deficit since Jan. 1 statewide has been more than 8 inches, which, along with other factors, has left Pine Hill Reservoir in Holden 12 inches below normal.
    This could all change if any hurricanes find their way up the East Coast in September, as they have in other years, but long-term projections indicate dry conditions continuing into October.
    There have been four major statewide droughts in Massachusetts since the 1920s. The worst, which all others are compared to, lasted from 1961 to 1969, causing wells to go dry and significant water supply shortages throughout the state. In 1965 emergency water supplies were being used in 23 communities. By 1967, the Quabbin Reservoir was at 45 percent of capacity. The only part of the state without serious drought concerns was Cape Cod.
    State Agricultural Resources Commissioner John Lebeaux, a Shrewsbury resident, said this year's drought has had a significant impact on farmers, especially those without irrigation. He said those with irrigation are paying more for the water and the manpower needed to operate their systems, but if they can get water to their crops the weather has had some benefits.
    "If you have water, it has been a great growing season with all the sun," he said.
    Mr. Lebeaux said dry seasons typically mean less disease affecting plants.
    Joann Viera, horticultural director of Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston, said regular watering has been needed to keep the core ornamental and educational gardens in good shape. The focus has been on watering the core area and outer fields to take in what nature provides. She said Boylston has not yet instituted any water conservation restrictions, but Tower Hill is doing what it can to make the best use of its water resources.
    Those supplying water have had their challenges. Mr. Moosey said typically rain in the summer does not fill reservoirs but slows the rate of loss. This year there is little to make up for evaporation and the normal higher use in hot weather.
    To the northwest of Worcester, the Quabbin Reservoir, the state's largest water supply, is still in good shape. Ria Convery of the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority, said the reservoir is at 87.9 percent capacity. She said it would be considered below normal at 86 percent, but the reservoir still has enough water to continue to supply Boston and other communities in its network. The MWRA has no plans to institute restrictions unless something dramatically changes.
    One of the reasons Boston is in good shape is water usage has dropped dramatically. In the late 1980s the average daily demand was 27 million gallons per day. It is now 23 million gallons per day. Ms. Landry said Boston used less water last year than in 1900. Beginning in the 1980s and continuing today, the MWRA has conducted aggressive leak repair efforts and conservation programs, which were helped along by water conservation-minded building codes and a better understanding of water conservation by residents.
    "It's been going down year, after year, after year," Ms. Convery said.
    If the drought persists, Worcester has two aces up its sleeves. One is a connection allowing it to buy Quabbin Reservoir water from the MWRA, but Mr. Guerin said that would be expensive. The city also has the ability to take untreated water from the Wachusett Reservoir, but both options are last resorts. That's why Mr. Moosey says he is hoping to get the word out to residents to conserve. What has been adding to the problem is that water use has increased since water use restrictions were put in place, from 25 million gallons per day to 28 million and sometimes 30 million.
    "We're hoping people will take these restrictions seriously," Mr. Moosey said.
    Worcester and Holden have similar restrictions that ban allowing water to run off property for 50 feet or more or into storm drains or ponds. It also prohibits using an irrigation system between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. or during rainstorms. Users are also prohibited from washing down driveways or sidewalks and encouraged to wash cars only on lawns.
    Shrewsbury also enacted tough restrictions, but it is more about heading off a future problem.
    "We're at a point where the well levels are down a bit and we wanted to get ahead of the situation," said Town Manager Daniel J. Morgado.
    Mr. Morgado said the town has seasonal restrictions in place, but decided to go a step further. It has banned topping off swimming pools and lawn-sprinkler use. Outdoor watering with a hand sprinkling device for shrubs and gardens is allowed, but not for lawns. The restrictions will remain in effect until Sept. 30.
    Leominster's water system was in good shape until this past week when a large water line break Tuesday night pushed city leaders to issue a water ban.
    The break sent a flood of water down the drain, convincing Mayor Dean J. Mazzarella to institute voluntary/mandatory water restrictions.
    Fitchburg's water system is in good shape, according to Assistant Public Works Commissioner John Deline.
    He said water use in the city is down significantly over the past 10 years, encouraged by rate increases, improvements in water efficiency and the transition from water intensive businesses to those that use less water.

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