Wednesday, August 10, 2016

In Other News...At the Planning Board Meeting

In Other News...At the Planning Board Meeting

In a vote of 4-2 the planning board just voted down the new elementary school.
Julie Farrell
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Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman Where is this million dollar deficit number coming from??
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman I was not there. Thanks.
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman They have to approve the plans.
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman I don't have those answers Rachael. I will keep you all posted.
Like · Reply · 1 · 11 hrs
George Andrews
George Andrews Saw this coming because of issues that were not addressed in other meetings and exspenses that were not brought up that would have cost a lot of money that would have cost to address them and increase the taxation to the homeowners
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman That is not the planning boards job. Their job is for the plans and to approve that. All the issues have been addressed with the plans and all questions that were asked. There was a public hearing.
Bill Davis
Bill Davis I cannot even fathom this. All over a road direction. And now we only have 3 schools because (if i am correct) they cannot re-open the TC unless it needs meets todays codes and standards for handicap accessibility. Much like ET when they closed it.
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman
George Andrews
George Andrews I am sorry this was done but looking at a $1.1 million deficit from 2013-2016 there are many questions that need addressing
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Diane Haley Brooks, Selectwoman The town will have to pay that 3.1 million I would think as there will be no reimbursement for a project that does not move forward.
Rachael Messina
Rachael Messina What does this mean for the MSBA Being on board?
Rachael Messina
Rachael Messina This is terrible news, the town has come so far and has worked so hard! If it's the traffic pattern- ?Really, is this not something they've been over and over? I mean it's not the first day with this! very frustrating! Though my kids do not go to this district; Wishing the town & board the best. Will follow Thanks again
Like · Reply · 2 · 10 hrs · Edited
Peter Lyons
Peter Lyons What say does the planning board have?


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  2. THANK YOU---- Charles Carroll, Frank Moschetti, Christof Chartier and Dennis Rich

  3. Folks, this is why we need a better structure of government.

    I thank those who have put a stop to this mess. It should have been done along time ago , but this is what happens when people are reactive rather than proactive.

  4. I once thought following the DOR recommendations would help improve overall town government.

    At this point, I'm not sure what the solution is.

    It will take a few years to get the town's finances in order. I'm not sure that we have a few years left.

    Adding a $47 million dollar project onto debt of town that is $1 million in the hole from FY 13 doesn't seem to be a good way forward to restoring the town's bond rating.

    I know the four who voted not to advance this project are getting a lot of flack. It could have been an easy vote to make.

    Time to let the dust settle and get Templeton's finances in order.

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  6. In my opinion the planning board has made the right decision. No board should be a rubber stamp for a bad decision made by the majority. This project was located poorly and over priced. Our old schools were left to rot so that only building new could be sold to the ignorant. Those who allowed this decay to happen violated the sacred trust of office. It is a breath of fresh air to see someone make a stand on this issue and I believe the decision to locate this school elsewhere is the correct one. Thank you to those on the Planning Board for having the courage to make a stand against this poor location.

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    2. I agree that it was nice to hear that a couple people in town had the ****'s to stand up and say. "this is a stupid plan poorly put together" before its to late.

      This is why we need to expand the method and time line for voting on "town meeting agendas".

      We need to incentivise voting somehow. Something like 1/2% of registered voters showed up to the town meeting, why........ I say its because they don't believe it matters.
      The School vote a couple years ago, NO,NO,NO,NO,YES really killed peoples trust. It seems like every time the town asks for more money, like for an excavator, the voters say NO and the town says.........Oh, we'll just buy it with this other account and wont fix roads.

      It might make sense to buy the excavator to be able to fix the roads, but that question, issue was never presented to the voters and feels sneaky!

      Markels statement posted here is another issue......what planet is he from? He's right in the mix and thinks things are running better Doesn't give me hope that anything is fixed after reading that letter.

  7. Puffy,
    You know the rules!

    Is this why you were late?

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