Monday, August 8, 2016

Meetings the Week of August 8, 2016

Meetings the Week of August 8, 2016

Monday 8/8/16
BOS                           PCS Town Hall*               6:30 pm

Tuesday 8/9/16
Elem.School              PCS Town Hall*              6:30 pm     
Planning                    PCS Town Hall*              6:30 pm

Wednesday 8/10/16
Housing                    Bridge St                          4:00 pm
ZBA                         PCS Town Hall*             6:30 pm

Thursday 8/11/16
CPC                        PCS Town Hall*                6:00 pm
Cemetery                Sr. Drive                              6:30 pm

* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So tonight's selectmen meeting includes hiring a PT police officer, discussion of a grant writer consultant, hiring a cemetery assistant and then discussion of Non-union Employee pay raises.

    No agenda item for a special town meeting in the fall to amend the selectmen's budget which was adopted at town meeting in May. The selectmen have distributed over $55,000 in raises while budgeting only $35,000.

    There is also the small problem on the revenue side of the selectmen's budget, but hey, everything is AWESOME!.

    No worries here in Templeton. Don't even mention the state budget process which recently wrapped at the last possible moment in July! Don't think about the BILLION dollar shortfall for the state budget which necessitated the delay in the State budget.

    Sure the legislators overrode the governor's vetoes on many projects near and dear to their constituents hearts. These legislators are up for re-election! The governor will get to be the bad guy with 9C cuts after the November elections. Why? Because revenues are down and not meeting projections.

    Keep your heads firmly in the sand, Templeton!

    Selectmen, keep spending like there is no tomorrow! Keep expanding local government. Don't even think about the MILLION dollar deficit from FY 13. Because Everything is AWESOME!.

    Tuesday's Planning Board meeting will continue discussion on the site plan and storm water decision for the elementary school. Water still flows downhill.

    There is also discussion on the Dunkin Donuts at 198 Patriots Road.

    There's a list of gravel permits at the end of each Planning Board agenda. There is no listing of the gravel pit in Templeton near the Gardner Airport believed to be B+C Richard Sand and Gravel, Inc. 122 Smith St. Gardner MA. David R. Richard (president)

  3. Really not a fan of saying this, but all additional spending should be immediately placed on hold until we know what our actual finances look like!

    The questions we need to have answered!

    1) What have our town officials done to insure that financial foul ups caused by incompetent people/processes dont bite the taxpayers like 2013 audit.

    2) How come Templeton is paying 100% for an Elementary School serving Phillipston residence equally? How are we being reimbursed for construction costs?

    3) How can the town contract additional expenses School, Water tanks,etc while we have no audits for 2014-2015-2016? While our 2017 budget is another incomplete mess, not dealing with our true financial standing.

    4) Do we have a cap on borrowing? Where do we stand today? How do you plan on dealing with this and when?

    5) How do these "plans" allow for unseen expenses that come up in future years? If school forces us to max spending cap, how do we deal with future needs in next 5 years, 10 yrs?

    6) How can any reasonable official vote to increase spending? Social Security increased 1.2% based on inflation, why are we paying more especially in these financial times? Is it responsible to taxpayers?

    If we dont make some really tough choices in this Town, State and Country the vast majority of people will be unable to provide for themselves, the Country, State or Town. Then what?

    We are spending like drunken sailors (apologizing to sailors). Look at the SQ ft cost of the school! It's miles above area 1 averages, why? Champagne tastes, Beer budget comes to mind.

  4. we currently have a select board that I feel have has two people that are capable of voting in favor of the town. three are hung up with their own "power" ( as in "what happened to our fire chief"). three is winning vote over two. wake up voters, and use your vote like it means something !!!

  5. I forgot, how's "hope and change" working out for ya??
