Thursday, August 18, 2016

Rumor Has It...

Problem with the USDA Loan?

Rumor has it there is a problem with the USDA loan for the Water Tank replacement that was voted at the special town meeting on March 21, 2016.  

The water department  used their funds (ratepayers) to pay for this special town meeting. Discussion came up about why this article couldn't wait until the annual town meeting in May. The statement was made that this project was time sensitive and needed to be started over the summer.

After the annual town meeting in May, a problem was discovered with the posting of that special town meeting in March (paid for by the water department/ratepayers). Emergency legislation was filed to address this situation. The emergency legislation was finally enacted a few weeks ago. 

It's anyone's guess what the problem is now with obtaining the USDA loan to replace the water tank.

To review:

Forever in your debt

Spring Cleaning  

Spring cleaning equals a reminder for some..........

Organizing and reading old selectmen business, I came across a letter from the Department of Revenues Director of Bureau of Accounts dated January 9, 2014 and time stamped received in the BOS office at 1:12 PM on January 13, 2014.

The beginning of the third paragraph of this letter begins with the following; With respect to fiscal matters generally, under MGL c. 164, light plants are not separate legal entities and need the approval of their municipalities' legislative bodies to borrow, as in borrowing money to paint water tanks. Just an interesting tidbit from this letter that seemed to bring so much joy to the Light & Water commissioners and I hope they look at this as they move forward with trying to get the tanks painted with a loan (borrowing) from USDA.

Jeff Bennett  

So maybe the town does need a bond rating to borrow money?


  1. The tank is gone. You would think that you have everything approved before you take the tank out of service !!

    Another blunder by a town dept. where does it end ?

  2. It never long nobody is in charge, nobody is responsible and the taxpayers are always on the hook it will never end.

  3. It's hard to tell what is going on at the Templeton Municipal Light and Water plant this year. A quick look at the commission meeting minutes will back up my claim.
    There are none for 2016 other than January. Hard to tell how they are doing for us without any minutes posted. Even some of the meetings were short enough to put on 1 paragraph by don't appear. So what is going on with the Templeton crown jewel.
    Are they slow to act and only react as in the past with issues in their face grow.
    We now will operate with a fire risk higher then ever. Without the ladder hill tank on line we for sure have to depend on a pump and filter system if a fire were needing to be extinguished. With the oldest tank on south road now the primary water source will it be enough if needed? If the rumors are true and the replacement tank has a hold on it when will we be told. If like the water ban it's the old word of mouth. A letter needs to be sent out to all TMWP customers ASAP to inform them and in the same letter Driscoll could give a update on the tank status and after that maybe he can put the decals on his new free ride so public will know who's vehicle it is and who pays for the gas every mile it gets used. Even our former General manager has decals on his new ride from Sterling light. He figured out how to get r done.
    When you get your letter write a note to label our new vehicle and send it back to him. All contracts over 5,000.00 are by law view able at the selectman office during normal business hours.
    Wana bet they arn't?
    Time to push the buttons prod the people in charge.
    Anyone for results?

  4. in the military they have a saying, "SNAFU". that's templeton. the biggest proplem is the voters that keep voting for three butt kissers of mr driscoll to be on the board. no one looks out for the town and its people. driscoll says jump, and three guys ask "how high"!! just like when jerry was king. nothing changes. it just stays the same year after year. I didn't vote um!!!!!!

  5. So lets do a little Q+A
    How far and deep in debt is Templeton.
    Templeton meaning the whole town.
    School district
    Water Dept.
    Electrical co ops
    And don't forget the rest of our Templeton.
    Lets check around and see what shows up.
    More soon.
    Problems are NO BOND RATE!
    Over limit debt
    Hands off D.O.R. response
    Lack of Investigation when asked for.
    I think we can thank some locals for that result.

  6. But last year the TMLWP spent plenty on establishing their own bond rate.
    For that reason "spent plenty" who would think the rest of TMLWP issues are being handled properly by the commissioners?
    Do we have a rouge department thumbing their noses at the town "STILL"?
    Well i guess one could say paybacks a bitch BOYS.
    With the amounts they have spent on lawyers fees by their own doings how could any mistakes be made.
    Tighe and Bond have handled the loan process from day one and may have trusted the commissioners choice Driscoll to be spot on with the info provided.
    So if no loan is to be had and money short due to expanded crew cost who do you think will get the bill for the extra needs?
    We need to look at every department to see the debt we carry for them on the town debt schedule. Get ready for the shock.

  7. What happened to "we do things right around here "? Oh yes they sure do ! By not giving the Town a PILOT, they hurt the Town financially. To contribute from 1939 to the tax base,and then stop, has not done the people in our Town any good. On the other hand, Mr. Driscoll's opinion of "if you want more,we will take it from your pocket" does not work either! The idea of working for the people in this Town, is beyond this man and his Commissioners. Sorry to say, these guys are not working for the rate payers, they are working for themselves.
