Saturday, August 13, 2016

‘sales tax holidays’

Furniture companies are holding their own ‘sales tax holidays’

With the Legislature refusing to authorize a state “sales tax holiday” this month, many retailers, especially furniture store owners, have simply created their own versions of a sales tax holiday, slashing prices by the amount or more of the 6.25 percent state tax, reports Consumer World founder Edgar Dworsky. Among the retailers pushing the unofficial holiday this month are Bernie & Phyl's, Boston Interiors, Cabot House, Cardi's Furniture Chair Fair, Circle Furniture Jordan's Furniture La-Z-Boy Marty's Furniture, Rotmans and Sleepy’s.

"Retailers know that shoppers hate paying sales tax on large purchases, so it can be a big lure for many to offer savings equivalent to the sales tax," said Dworsky. "Nonetheless, in a world where 30, 40, and 50 percent off sales are commonplace, I still shake my head when shoppers pack the stores to get a mere 6.25 or 12.5 percent off." He may shake his head, but not us. Consumers save an estimated $26 million during tax-holiday weekends. That’s a lot of savings – and it’s a savings, it should be noted, the state doesn’t think it can afford.

Consumer World

Local furniture companies are participating as well

Leave a comment if you know of a local company offering their own "sales tax holiday".

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