Sunday, August 21, 2016

Teacher in Templeton, from Worcester, faces sexual charges involving students

  • Teacher in Templeton, from Worcester, faces sexual charges involving students

  • Narragansett Regional High School in Templeton.Narragansett Regional High School in Templeton. T&G File Photo
  • By Telegram & Gazette Staff

    Posted Aug. 20, 2016 at 12:19 PM
    Updated Aug 21, 2016 at 7:15 AM

    A Worcester man who teaches at Narragansett Regional High School in Templeton was arrested early Friday morning on sexual charges involving students.
    Matthew Kacavich, 34, of 3 Astrid Ave. in Worcester, is accused of having had a relationship with a current and a former student at the high school, according to a news release from Templeton Police Chief Michael R. Bennett. The arrest occurred after a two-week investigation prompted by information brought to light by the school resource officer, the chief said in a statement.
    Police first spoke to the former student, who said she had previously had a relationship with Mr. Kacavich. The interviews with her led to the minor student who was allegedly in a relationship with the teacher during the last school year.
    Templeton police obtained a warrant to arrest Mr. Kacavich and to search his Worcester home, which they did Friday with the assistance of Worcester police and the Worcester Police SWAT team. He was booked in Worcester and brought to Gardner/Winchendon District Court for arraignment.
    Mr. Kacavich is being held on $2,500 cash bail on charges of distributing obscene material to a minor and trafficking a person under 18 for sexual servitude, Chief Bennett said.
    Mr. Kacavich was valedictorian of the class of 2000 at Worcester Technical High School, according to Telegram & Gazette archives. He was honored as a Tomorrow's Teachers Scholarship recipient during Statehouse ceremonies that year.
    Templeton police could not be reached Saturday afternoon. The Worcester District Attorney's Office had no further information on the arrest Saturday.
    Narragansett Regional Superintendent Christopher D. Casavant Saturday afternoon provided a copy of a letter addressed to the school community noting that he attended an emergency meeting with the School Committee and conferred with police Saturday morning.
    Mr. Casavant said in the letter Mr. Kacavich will be placed on administrative leave pending completion of police and district investigations into the charges. He said Mr. Kacavich will have no contact with any student in the district, and will not be allowed on Narragansett Regional School District premises. He said his administration is developing a support plan for when students and staff return to school; parents will advised when it is ready to be put in place, he said.
    "Please know, as a district there is nothing more important than the emotional and physical safety of our children," Mr. Casavant wrote in the letter.


  1. This guy sounds like a piece of work. I would bet he has done this kind of thing before. So will the Town have to pay into his retirement forever because he worked for the school system ? Thank goodness he was stopped in his tracks, before he hurt too many other people. Parents have to talk to their children about these kind of people. Kids need to know this behavior is not ok, coming from anyone with authority, and it is not their fault if they get caught up in this. Our kids need protection, and they should feel safe coming to a adult for help.

  2. Hey Bev, just a thought.........Innocent till proven guilty. Personally I feel if the truth came out more school staff would be , well, charged..........both men and woman. From the administration to the teachers.

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