Thursday, August 25, 2016

Templeton Issues Rabies Advisory

Templeton Issues Rabies Advisory

The Board of Health has issued a notice that a positive case of rabies in a wild animal has occurred.

To date, rabies has not been detected in any domestic animals.

Please vaccinate your pets for rabies.

Signs of rabies:

Overly aggressive behavior

Friendly or fearless behavior

Animals that may appear intoxicated

Animals that may appear lethargic or lying  down

Please do NOT touch any wild animal. If you notice an animal acting strangely, please call Templeton dispatch center 978-939-5638.


  1. Templeton is a big town. You would have thought they would have at least said what part of town this happened in ? I just think a little more information would have helped.

  2. Last Friday I called in a fox that was staggering around by Depot Rd. I reported that it looked sickly and wasn't behaving in a normal fashion.

  3. The animal was a skunk that was positive for rabies.
