Sunday, August 28, 2016

Templeton Town Administrator Reports

Templeton Town Administrator Reports

Are NOW Online

Of  financial concern :

from  8/8/16

 from 8/11/16

 from 8.18.16 
 from 8.25.16


  1. So it looks like this no band rating thing is having an impact on the town's ability to borrow money for projects like the water tank replacement, the sewer project and the police station. hmmm

    So what happens if the elementary school is built and the town isn't able to find anyone to finance the debt?

    1. The school folks don't care about any of that, As long as they get what they want they don't care about the consequences.

  2. This is not looking good and we haven't even hit the 2014,2015,2016 budgets yet............Anyone who think this towns management is effective please think about it.

    The management knew we had no audits dating back to 2013. They all knew had issues with financing yet they continued to put forward more and more projects that require borrowing.

  3. What about the DOR ? Why didn't someone from their office ask what was going on ? Maybe a too cozy relationship with people in power ? I do think someone did not do their job ? I do hope that someone has a boss that has to answer for the length of time our books have been a mess. Someone will pay a big price for the mess we are in and I am afraid it is going to be the taxpayer, again. When you are in a hole and can't find your way out, it is time to stop digging.....

  4. Bev. I've found over the past decade that the most consistent trait running through most businesses/government agencies,etc is incompetence! At every level rules have been created but get sidelined, why, well my beleif is just simple human laziness.
    Our "systems" are to big and cumbersome to function and there is nobody checking the information they are relying on...............endless errors compounded.

    We need to stop complicating the system. Maybe we need to require that every new rule/law created must be balance by another law removed, since nobody even knows all the "laws" its pointless to have them all on the books just so government can selectively use them only when someone stands up to the government.

  5. Interesting article about Police Station in TGN today, a Very interesting quote by Chief Bennett is the following:
    Bennett said the exterior design will closely resemble an old New England church or school building.

    He said he chose this design intentionally so it would fit within the historical look of other nearby buildings situated around Templeton common.


  6. Whats the point if we are putting a 93,000 monstrosity next door????? Seems like it should be a cement block structure, square and cheap (overpriced) with poor parking.
