Friday, August 12, 2016

The Fluoridation Record

The Fluoridation Record Aug. 7, 2016
Tufts professor blasts MA
legislators for practicing medicine
in Lyme disease treatment vote 

Saying that the Massachusetts legislature has been hijacked by an anti-science movement,Tufts University professor and associate chief of the Infectious Diseases Service at Newton-Wellesley Hospital Mark S. Drapkin criticized legislators for overriding Governor Charlie Bakers veto of a law that requires health insurers to cover long-term antibiotic treatment for persistent Lyme disease or post-treatment Lyme disorder. 

It seems that we have some new infectious-disease specialists in practice in Massachusetts,Drapkin wrote in a letter published in the August 8 Boston Globe. 

They are not physicians or other health professionals. They certainly are not trained in or board certified in infectious diseases, a process that takes at least five years after graduation from medical school. And, while they are not licensed to write any prescriptions, they seem to feel competent to mandate off-label prescribing for potent antimicrobial agents at a time when overprescribing antibiotics has resulted in widespread antimicrobial resistance,he writes. 

Who are these unlicensed practitioners? They are our legislators,writes Drapkin. 

In a second letter published that day in the Globe, Stephen Walker of Cambridge blasted the Globes support of Bakers veto, writing, I am insulted that the Globe would assume that it knows more about what is best for my health than me and my physician. Three years of antibiotics has reduced my symptoms by about 80 percent. Is the Globe suggesting that I should suffer from a treatable illness rather than continue a treatment that is working?” 

Lower insulin secretion found in
rats given fluoride

Researchers from the Rosario National University in Argentina have found that rats experience a lower secretion and clearance of insulin as well as a decrease in glucose uptake from insulin-independent tissues when given fluoride. 

This glucose uptake is mainly the glucose consumed by the nervous system. As a consequence, this decrease could be associated with the effect of fluoride on IQ,they write in their paper published in the July issue of Fluoride. 

FAN makes plea to aid New Zealanders facing national mandate
The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is calling on all opponents of water fluoridation to assist colleagues in New Zealand who are facing a new effort that would mandate fluoridation throughout the country.
Expected legislation would shift decision making on fluoridation to District Health Boards that are required to follow the Ministry of Health directives. The result would be the fluoridation of the remaining 50 percent of New Zealand currently consuming non-fluoridated water. 

FAN asks supporters to sign the on-line petition opposing the change, and to donate funds to Fluoride Free New Zealand for publicity and organizing. Details can be found on the groups website,

The Fluoridation Record is published daily by East Coast Science News, P.O. Box 797, Belchertown, MA 01007 USA. Vol. 1 No. 38 Email:
Michael F. Dolan, editor.
Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.
The Fluoridation Record is offered free of charge, and is available upon request.

1 comment:

  1. Fluoride is a poison. Fluoride was poison yesterday. Fluoride is poison today. Fluoride will be poison tomorrow. Because fluoride is an enzymatic poison it's effects are great. Biochemists warned the politicians prior to fluorides introduction into the water supply in 1945 that fluoride was used to halt enzymatic reactions and did not belong in the water supply. Politicians listened to the money and put it in anyways. Money and the power behind it is the reason we drink the poison fluoride today the same money that has kept us at constant war for the last one hundred years. When in doubt get it out.
