Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Why We Can't Have Nice Things

This is an picture of a sizable sapling growing out of the chimney on the Tucker Building in Baldwinville.

The Tucker Building is under the control of the Templeton Housing Authority.

Once the Baldwinville Elementary School is vacated, an orchard is planned for that rooftop. 


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  5. What this shows is a continuation of past behavior at Templeton Housing Authority. It got so bad that at one point, a number of residents came to the selectmen and stated so. The residents asked or spoke to, the absence of the maintenance person, the lack of care for the grounds, failure of elected housing authority to listen to residents and on and on. I was a member of the selectmen board then and we voted to send a letter of inquiry to the THA and apparently a few things did happen, as I was told by those residents. They said there was not a drastic change in service or attitude but there were some small changes and they appreciated the effort. The bigger picture is there is a tree growing out of the roof area of that building and no action has been taken for quite a while. At a selectmen's meeting a while back, John Columbus stated he knew people over there at THA and said he would look into it before the BOS took any action, so the selectmen tabled the issue then. I wonder how a house or building would sell if it had a tree growing out of the roof area? Try inviting the THA to a selectmen's meeting and ask about the tree in open meeting. I hope this gets copied and pasted to face book page of Diane Brooks as the comment of watch dog did. I will not complain.

    1. Well by the looks of things, this tree is not some little weed. Removing it will more than likely cause more than a little bit of damage because it was left so long. Another good job by our Selectmen. Where is the money coming from to fix this mess ?

  6. At a selectman meeting some time ago there was a vote to send a letter to a senator to see what help we could get. Realy! You can't make this stuff up.
    The highway bucket truck was talked about and it was not high enough.
    A rental of 800.00 was passed over as a high expense and that thought the town or highway should pick up the tab.
    Could be the law makers were busy laughing about our issues.

  7. The Templeton Housing Authority (THA) is a mostly separate entity from the Town of Templeton (think TMLWP - how's that working out?).

    THA receives no funding from the town of Templeton.

    Just ask John Columbus - He's been a member of the Templeton Housing Authority for years!

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  9. Thanks for the update!

    How has it been determined that the branch isn't harming anything? Are the minutes of the THA posted online?

    So it won't be decorated for Christmas, good to know.

  10. Good News! But what, 2 years later, why does everything have to become Push and Shove to get these things done. Its called Maintenance.

  11. Replies
    1. Why we can't have nice things!

      What is the plan to maintain the buildings we have? What about the schools, both old and new?

  12. Dianne, This is not a "branch"! Branches are not rooted, trees are rooted. Calling it a "branch" is a lame attempt to minimize the fact that tree has been growing from a public building for multiple years. When was the last time the chimney in that building was checked, obviously not within 2 years?

  13. I've been looking at this TREE for a few years. I finally stopped and took a picture a few years ago.

    Besides the obvious harm it is probably doing to the chimney, it's sort of fascinating!

    Every year the leaves change color and fall off. I wonder if it will make it through the next winter. In the Spring, it comes back to life. I wonder where it's getting enough water to survive? Especially this year with the drought.

    I've seen trees struggling to make it this year and they are planted in the ground.

    Just something that crosses my mind every now and then. Especially when I travel on Baldwinville Road.
