Saturday, September 24, 2016

Citizen Petition Editorial

Dear Ms. Farrell,

I am a concerned citizen of Templeton.  Although I am pro-school, I wholeheartedly agree with the good sense of your and the Advisory Committee’s proposed article to put a rescind option on the warrant for the upcoming special town meeting.  Many of us townspeople have serious reservations about the safety of the proposed site and the fiscal irresponsibility of moving forward without knowing our financial status.  We were sold a bill of goods that did not adequately reflect the whole situation and more and more information keeps coming to light that has changed many minds on this question.  I think we deserve the opportunity to reconsider, at which time, I would personally vote to strike down the prop. 2 ½ until we all know where we stand.  My concern with adding it as a warrant on the Oct. 20th special town meeting is that, given how divisive an issue this is in our town, further public hearings could pit neighbor against neighbor and friend against friend unnecessarily.   I also do not believe people would vote their consciences or with reason guiding, but could succumb to pressures or emotion.  If there is any way to place this question on the ballot in November or next May rather than discussed and voted on publicly, I believe people would, in the privacy of the ballot box, vote according to what they think is best in the most reasonable fashion possible for the common good. 

Please advise me how I can help make this a reality.

Thanks very much for your time, consideration, and the courage of your Advisory Committee to do some thing very difficult in the best interest of the town.  Although we are not as loud and angry, you have MANY townspeople on your side, believe me.

Very Best Regards,
Matt Valliere

E. Templeton


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If you have petitions with signatures, please call 978-340-2503 for instructions for pickup.

    The signature sheets need to be counted before they are turned into the Templeton Board of Selectmen on Monday September 26, 2016 in order to verify the correct number has been attained.

  3. I agree with Mr. Valliere. I saw people who never attended a Town Meeting before. I am not sure we could get them back after the way they were treated. I am not sure the people in the cafeteria were even counted. I am afraid for the people in this town that live on the edge, young and old alike. I think that emotions may replace common sense, but in the end many people will be hurt. I spoke to our Conservation Chairman and from what he said, "there will be no environmental study or retaining pond for the extra water that they will dump behind the homes on Wellington Road." I guess because the pipe exists already, and they have a easement already, we will just let her rip, and cross our fingers. Look our down hill, here it comes !!

  4. I would again like to thank Matt for his opinion and pointing out issues he feels deeply about in Templeton. I've known Matt for a long time and respect him for like many other in town for stepping up like he has here with this letter.
    After the way Matt was treated at the last planning board meeting he could have just looked the other way and said to hell with it. He hasn't and if i know Matt won't give up.
    The chairman Mr. Moschetti should step down if he can not be a respectful member of any board. Our Selectmen also should answer why they let the treatment of him be allowed in the town they govern. There was no reason for the treatment Matt received by Kirk or for the many selectman there to not speak up and question his actions. I think my comment of "chicken shit" fit well to one of them who wouldn't speak up.
    We all want a new school but not in the old school area.
    The site was only picked to be a place holder for the spot in line for the handout from the state.

  5. Is there a video of Kirk mistreating the public ??

  6. Mike,
    There is a DVD available of that meeting. Contact the Selectmen's office for a copy. Ask if it will be uploaded to the town of Templeton's Youtube channel ( yes, there is such a thing)

  7. If the Town of Templeton can't afford to do the audits for FY 13, Fy 14 Fy 15 and Fy 16, it can't afford a new school.
