Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Gravel Permit Maybe?

Gravel Permit Maybe?
One agenda item for the Planning Board meeting tonight :

 " 6:31 Brian Szoc, ANR for BC Richard Sand and Gravel"

As reported in the past on this blog, there is a large gravel operation near the Gardner Airport (located in Templeton).

 Maybe like the tree on the Tucker Building this issue will be resolved?


  1. Looks like they are awfully close to wetlands? Wonder if they are required to place barriers as to limit runoff,dust,erosion.......

  2. It DOES look close to the Otter River and the watershed for Gardner's drinking water. The should a plan on file somewhere like the other active gravel operations in town do.

    1. Gee, we missed the tree being removed ! Too bad some one did not call ! Thea would have been fun.
