Monday, September 12, 2016

Meetings the Week of September 12, 2016

Meetings the Week of September 12, 2016

Monday 9/12/16
Scout Hall                   PCS Town Hall*                5:30 pm     
BOS                            PCS Town Hall*                6:30 pm

Tuesday 9/13/16
Planning                    KIVA                                   6:00 pm
Water                        Bridge St                              6:00 pm
Light                        Bridge St                               7:00 pm
Historical                 Boynton PL                          7:00 pm

Wednesday 9/14/16
Economic             PCS Town Hall*                 9:00 am
Housing          Bridge St.             4:00 pm

* Pauly Cosentino Sr. Town Hall


  1. Busy Week!

    The selectmen are scheduled to discuss a bond issue for the TMLWP Water department tonight! Have the water rates increased again? Weren't we told in March that the water rates would NOT increase because of the water tank replacement? Funny that!

    Anyway, keep in mind that any money from the state is subject to 9C cuts by the governor. The governor has until October 15th to make 9C cuts. Revenues are down by $35-40 million dollars so far this fiscal year (since July 1). Ok, now you can go to your happy place...

    Until Tuesday's Planning board meeting in the Kiva! Save the Date! Save the Town!

    There is still a tree growing out of the chimney at the Tucker building!

    Go back to sleep!

  2. On Aug 23 Ms. Brooks said she would bring this up at next BOS meeting..............

    It's only a tree growing on the roof..............squirrel!
