Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Public Record Requests in Templeton

Public Record Requests in Templeton

There is a new form posted to the Town Of Templeton website, if you wish to make a public record request. It looks like this:

 Pay special attention to the header at the top of the form:

 So why did I get THIS response to my request for public records?
From email:

Hi Julie:

Was this a letter received by the Light & Water Department? I don’t recall this office receiving it. If so, you will need to submit your request to Light & Water directly.

Holly A. Young
Holly A. Young,
Assistant to the Town Administrator


Town of Templeton
Town Hall, Room 6
P.O. Box 620, 160 Patriots Road
East Templeton, MA  01438
Phone 978-894-2762 - Fax 978-894-2801

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email is protected by THE ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PRIVACY ACT, 18 U.S.C. §§ 2510-2522. This electronic message is confidential and intended for the named recipient only. Any dissemination, disclosure or distribution of the content of this communication is unlawful and prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact by return e-mail or telephone (978) 894-2755, and delete the copy you received. Thank you.

Please remember when writing or responding that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts' Secretary of State's Office has determined that e-mails are a public record.

Original Request:

So what part of "The Selectmen's Office is responsible for answering all Public Record Requests." is difficult to understand?

Is TMLWP part of the Town of Templeton?

Why does the Town provide dispatch services, payroll and benefit management services as well as signing off on loan documents for TMLWP, if it is NOT part of the town?

What was in that letter from the Inspector General's Office  7-28-16?


  1. First off, the selectmen nor anyone else can require you to use or fill out any form to request a public record. I personally will tell the BOS to pound sand on that form. There is a requirement in the new public records law effective January 2017 where there has to be a designated records custodian so as to be able to meet the new requirement of keeping track of records requested, number of times cost, etc., etc., and my guess is by having you fill out that form, you get to do the custodian's job for them! I would say that would be an item to refer to the secretary of state's office for an appeal. You followed their instructions then they say they do not have it, can't help you and you must go else where. Sounds like a well oiled team down at town hall.

  2. Could it be election related?
    We could wait for them to post the letter on the TMLWP web page under the minutes but that took close to a 6 month time frame last batch. A repost for the june meeting from 2015 was a hoot! MY MY DANA!

  3. A similar request for info for TMLWP info should be in office if the chapter 164 laws are followed. Sec 56c states contracts of 5,000.00 or more are to be kept for the public to view during normal business hours. The Auditing authority " Selectmen's office" is the place for them to be and should only be a short time to comply with these requirements.
    Odd one would need a records request to view things normally there to view anytime.
    Guess we'll see how this one goes.

  4. Ever get the feeling you were getting the run a round ???
