Thursday, September 22, 2016

Rescind the School Vote?

Rescind the School Vote?

Do you feel you were misled when you voted on the new elementary school project on November 9, 2015  at the Special Town Meeting?

Would you have cast your vote differently if you had known the town was $1,000,000 in the hole from FY 13? 

Would you have cast your vote differently if the projected cost of the project $1.74/$1,000 is doubled?

Would you have cast your vote differently if the debt for former school projects was rolled into the cost of the new school borrowing?

Are you questioning when the financial audits of the town will be completed? 

Are you concerned about the Town's lack of a bond rating?

Here is your chance to rescind that STM vote by printing out this form: 

Citizen Petition:
To see if the town will vote to rescind Article 1 of the November 9, 2015 Special Town Meeting:
To see if the Town will vote to appropriate, borrow or transfer from available funds, an amount of money to be expended under the direction of the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee for the purpose of paying the costs of designing, constructing, originally equipping and furnishing a new Templeton Elementary School located at 17 South Road, Templeton MA, including the payment of all costs incidental or related thereto (the “Project"), which school facility shall have an anticipated useful life as an educational facility for the instruction of school children of at least 50 years, and for which the Town, through Narragansett Regional School District may be eligible for a school construction grant from the Massachusetts School Building Authority ("MSBA"). The Town acknowledges that MSBA's grant program is a non-entitlement, discretionary program based on need, as determined by the MSBA, and any Project costs the Town incurs in excess of any grant approved by and received from the MSBA through the Narragansett Regional School District, shall be the sole responsibility of the Town. Any grant that the Town may receive through the Narragansett Regional School District, from the MSBA for the Project shall not exceed the lesser of (1) 62.84% of eligible, approved project costs, as determined by the MSBA, or (2) the total maximum grant amount determined by the MSBA.

We the undersigned registered voters of Templeton, do hereby petition the Select Board to include the above Article in the Warrant of the next Town Meeting.

Name as Registered (Print)
Residence Address













and gathering over 100 signatures by Monday September 26, 2016 and turning them into the Selectmen's office. Please be sure to gather signatures from registered voters in the Town of Templeton.

When turning the signatures in, be sure they are date stamped and obtain copies for your own records.

Here is a link to the citizen petition form


  1. it is time we held people accountable!!! when they tell you it is a 1.74 per thousand and it is not even close to that ! i will give them 10 percent fudge factor BUT anymore than that someone should go to jail for defrauding the public !! or a public tar and feathering on the common will do !!just my opinion

  2. It will take over one hundred signatures to get this on the Special Town Meeting and then people would actually have to show up to support this measure. You can bet the school people will be there in numbers even though many of them believe the location of the new school to be a poor choice.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've printed out the petition and should be able to get 5-10. Three signed now............It's a start!

    $1.20 for police
    $2.95 for school
    How much for $1,000,000 2013 shortfall?
    How much additional expense to run the new school? Up till now we are only talking about building it. That $2.95 potential is for 28 yrs!

    We will go broke with these managers..........

  5. Awesome, I can only imagine the repercussions from DHB and her loyal band of followers. They might threaten to sue all who signed it.
    Where can I sign.

  6. Print it out and sign it.

    Collect a few signatures if you want.

    Instructions will follow on where to drop them off for collection on Sunday. If less than 100 signatures are gathered, they will not be turned in.
