Monday, September 12, 2016

Save the Date! Save the Town! KIVA 6:00 pm!

Save the Date! Save the Town!
 September 13, 2016
Kiva 6:00 pm

On Tuesday night, the Planning Board voted 4-3 in favor of reopening the public hearing process regarding the elementary school in Templeton Center.

The public hearing will be on September 13, 2016 at 6:30 pm in the KIVA!

So in order to avoid a costly delay for the elementary school project, here's a thought-

Many of the issues of siting the elementary school at Templeton Center concern the traffic and parking problems and their attendant safety issues for the children. Why not do an experiment?

Take 100 cars ( 50 for staff and 50 for parent drop off) and 12 school buses and do a dry run. Have the buses stop and pretend to off load 30 students per bus and then leave the area.  Film it and review any possible means of correcting any problems before it is implemented. Proponents of the project could use this experiment to allay any concerns about potential problems regarding traffic and safety of the children.

Will this experiment cost money? YES! But it is cheaper than a year delay if the Planning Board rejects the proposal put in front of them by the school building committee. One year's delay is estimated to cost $1,200,000 to the project.


  1. The school for Templeton Center has been designed to fit on a small piece of land about three acres. Most people including what should be the most important board in town when it comes to siting a project believe that the current location is inappropriate for the intended use. Why not take the current design and relocate the project to the front parking lot of the Narragansett High School Middle School a lot that is similar in size. Extra parking can be obtained from the current NRHMS using existing parcels that are already in existence. We know that the traffic will work out just fine and having the new elementary school close to the other schools will allow the sharing of resources if desired. Because it is a current school nobody can shoot it down according to huff and puff, "its the law." Can anyone tell me why the front parking lot location at the High School Middle School is a worse location than Templeton Center and why.

  2. We won't be able to see the windmill Not Turning
