Friday, September 2, 2016

Shedding Some Light on ...Water

Shedding Some Light on ...Water



  1. The Manager stated that the 94,482.00 spent on consulting expense AND the 8,754.00 spent on legal expense to keep this USDA Project afloat to this point will have been wasted,and there would be no loan closing in December 2016 0r January 2017 from which to take funds to reimburse the Water Plant's operating account.
    So run it like a business and look for ways to cut,cut ,cut.
    The town knows how that's done and could help them with that.
    Lets see #1 forgo the pilot payment [easy]they do anyway
    #2 64,000.00 lay off new worker now not needed.
    #3 Extra money not used for loan payment increase in bills already since Nov.2015 or did Driscoll forget about the rate hike? We didn't! 58,000.00 ?? 20 years!
    #4 Donate stipends 6,000.00 and donate back to help with bills they created
    #5 Drive your own car to work and save the department on fuel costs.
    #6 forgo raises like the town does when things don't go the right way Dana!
    #7 revisit the commission needs for the town if their problems continue.
    More soon!

    1. So the "we do things right over here" does not sound so dam right about now, at least from where I am standing. When Will, Julie, Bart and I went to the Light/Water Commissioners to ask them to help the Town, so many years ago, it became apparent to me that the only people they would ever help was them selves. Doing the things David mentioned above, is what any reasonable company would do if it was theirs. It is our money for them to play with, so why bother ?

  2. So hows the money spent to get their own Bond rate working for the town now?
    How about the wasted money on their own check payment system not legal to use helping the cash flow?
    When one looks at the minutes they finally posted for this years meetings it tells a story and it's the story told by them.
    None of this is made up none of this bullshit unless it's the commission Bullshit.
    Contracts over 5,000.00 are in short order at the office they should be.
    I'll get the copy of the list and post here for the town to see.

  3. So where will the commissioners find the money they spent before the loan deal was approved and grants awarded?
    103,236.00 spent by the commissioners with no approval for the funds.
    Tank removal without the funds being approved has put Templeton at a risk we didn't have and only a fine from the DPU would have resulted if we just waited till money was available.
    But DANA says they do things right over there.
    Spend what they don't have?
    Remove the tank without loan approval?
    Blame it on the town when things aren't right?
    I guess Dana you get what you pay for!
    Keep the Pilot payment,enjoy the pickle your department is in!
