Thursday, September 8, 2016

That Dog Mayor Just Got Re-Elected For A Third Term

That Dog Mayor Just Got Re-Elected For A Third Term

“If you accept this challenge and these responsibilities, please bark or pant.”

The 9-year-old Great Pyrenees was first elected as mayor in 2014 with 12 write-in votes, and was re-elected the following year, WDAY 6 reported.

He was sworn in for his third term on Saturday.

“He’s done such great things for the community,” Duke’s owner, Karen Nelson, told WDAY 6.

"He's done such great things for the community," Duke's owner, Karen Nelson, told WDAY 6.
Karen Nelson / Via Twitter: @EEdythe8
“I don’t know who would run against him,” she said.

Duke became quite a celebrity when his first inauguration was covered in 2014. Tammy Odegaard, an event organizer and member of Duke’s staff, told CBS Minnesota at the time that they wanted to “have him put his little paw on the Bible” while taking the oath of office for the first time.

Duke became quite a celebrity when his first inauguration was covered in 2014. Tammy Odegaard, an event organizer and member of Duke's staff, told CBS Minnesota at the time that they wanted to "have him put his little paw on the Bible" while taking the oath of office for the first time.
Karen Nelson / Via Twitter: @EEdythe8
“Of course, he’s not going to repeat it,” she said. “It would be awesome if he would bark, but who knows? He’s a country dog, so he’s not used to performing on cue.”

“You are about to embark upon a great time of service, and tremendous personal and professional growth,” Steve Sorenson, chairman of Cormorant Township, told Duke at the 2014 inauguration ceremony.

“You are about to embark upon a great time of service, and tremendous personal and professional growth,” Steve Sorenson, chairman of Cormorant Township, told Duke at the 2014 inauguration ceremony.
Karen Nelson / Via Twitter: @EEdythe8
“If you accept this challenge and these responsibilities, please bark or pant,” he said.
Duke panted.

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