Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Town Needs Safer Site Plan For New School

This says it all:



  1. I believe Matts words speak for many people in Templeton. Nobody is saying NO to a new school, just NO to this location. Some like myself also feel paying 150% of comparable pricing is an issue. The average in somewhere around $350 sq ft but Templeton is $500+ per sq ft......why?

  2. Believe it or not, I really heard someone make a suggestion about using the space in front of the fire station for parking for the school ! Give me a break !! I do understand that some of the newer people in town do not have any investment in the historical history of our town, but a lot of us do. No matter how you cut it, there is nothing good about this plan on any level. I believe the fear of missing out on MSBA's money, is the only reason for this big push to build the school, in Templeton Center, no matter the cost. I personally feel the Town's financial problems are bad enough, that the School Building Committee should have never put building the school in front of the voters, until many questions are answered. The voters and the Town Administration has no idea of where we will stand once the audits are done. How deep will the hole be that we will find ourselves in? If the school was to be built in T.C., there will still not be enough parking, and there will be no money to buy a house or two, to tear down, to make a parking lot. No one has gone to the Conservation Commission to see what will be required to take care of the extra water the area produces. Sorry boys, you cannot dump water over the wall, and just walk away. This would have a impact on the ecosystem of the area bounded by Wellington Road and Dudley Road. The other factor is the cost that goes along with this project, something I am not sure was even planned for. So these are just a few things that come to me, that schould be considered before this disaster is etched in concrete. It is a bad plan, and I thank Mr. Valliere fo speaking up. Bev.

  3. I'm curious why I don't see this in the Gardner News, did it get yanked like that last letter criticizing Templeton officials did a week or so ago.

  4. The online version of the Gardner News does not have the current letters to the editor. This Letter To The editor was in the print version.

  5. I would like to thank my friend Matt for this letter and the voice he provided at the meeting last night. He not only showed how shameful The chairman could be but how narrow minded the some of the people are. Thanks Matt you did not need to be treated like Moschetti treated you or others last night.

  6. Well now that the school folks lead by DHB cried again and started their "lets vote again crusade" until we get what we want. WHY don't we, as in the rest of the town pull the same shit on the merit that K Moschetti is in conflict as a member of the building committee and also what about what he has to gain when the building starts, hmmmm, remember how he got 252 Baldwinville road.

  7. This is the same reason why people dont participate. When a board votes and the school folks cry, we vote again until the school folks get their way.

    Let have a new vote now, why not, they mean nothing.

    I remember someone lying to us about $1.74 per thousand as the cost to Templeton regarding this school. Now the number is being thought to be as high as $2.95 per thousand. Thats a 170% increase over what was told the voters/taxpayers.

    This is a serious issue for many folks in town. This is an 18% increase in property tax for one building.
    How much of a difference invalidates our vote? C'mon. Our representatives have to take some responsibility for setting the town up for failure.

    I call for a new vote based on the new lies..............
